Saturday, June 17, 2023

Old Guys Always Talking

I'm in! says Ranger Roger.

Well done, says Gaius. So Arthur approved of your poem.

He said it's not bad for a newbie, says Ranger Roger.

High praise, indeed, says Gaius.

Is it? says Ranger Roger. 

I'd say so, says Gaius.

Team Condor, says Ranger Roger. How lucky am I?

Very lucky, dear, says Janet. 

I have to pay for my ticket to Bilbao, says Ranger Roger.

Arthur usually gets special rates, says Gaius. Better check with him first.

And what about your kit? asks Janet. Will that be provided?

I don't know, says Ranger Roger. 

You can probably wear Pablo's old outfit, says Gaius. You look the same size. 

It's green and brown frog colours, says Terence.

I know says Ranger Roger. With an ovoid pocket. 

So you look like a frog, says Terence. 

Janet takes a big box of Weetbix out of the pantry, and sets out some bowls.

There's milk in the fridge, says Janet. 

Very kind, says Gaius. 

Pierre-Louis takes three Weetbix, and pours the milk on.

Yes we must be off early, says Gaius, doing the same.

They finish breakfast, thank Janet, and head for the bike shop to return the hired bikes and the carriage.

Nice trip? asks the bike guy. 

Very successful, says Gaius. 

I'll just check the bikes, says the bike guy.

The bikes seem okay.

The carriage is littered with apple cores, and smells of native animals.

Apologies, says Gaius. He picks up the apple cores and looks for a bin.

You heading back to Melbourne? asks the bike guy.

Yes, says Pierre-Louis. Then Adelaide. Then over to Spain for the Tour de France.

Sheez! says the bike guy. You guys get around. 

We're in it, says Terence. And so's Ranger Roger.

No way! says the bike guy. Not Ranger Roger! I know him!

He'll be joining us in Adelaide to meet his new team, says Gaius. 

What team's that? asks the bike guy.

Team Condor, says Gaius.

But that's not your team, says the bike guy.

We're with Team Philosophe, says Pierre-Louis. A high prestige team of philosophers.

Yeah right, says the bike guy. Old guys. Always talking. Never made it to the podium.

You know us? says Gaius.

I always watch it, says the bike guy. Want to know who I go for?

Who? asks Terence.

The Pog, says the bike guy.

Well we mustn't miss our bus , says Gaius.

Good luck, says the bike guy.

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