Thursday, June 8, 2023

Rhymes With Eels

They walk back down the track, to the bicycles.

Terence runs to the carriage. Squatty! Wake up!

I am awake, says Squatty. I dreamed I was alone with the drone. And I woke up. And I was.

We went to the Ada Tree, says Terence. Banjo climbed up it.

I would have flown up it says Squattu. If I was there.

He knows a secret, says Terence.

Banjo climbs into the carriage.

What's this secret? asks Squattu.

Her secret name, says Banjo.

What is it? asks Squattu. 

I can't tell you, says Banjo. 

Did she tell you not to? asks Squattu.

Not exactly, says Banjo.

So you can, says Squattu. 

Melia, says Banjo. 

Melia, says Terence. That's not a tree name.

Yes it is, says Banjo. Or why does she have it?

I'll ask Gaius, says Terence.

Don't mention the secret name, says Banjo.

How can I ask if I don't? says Terence. Gaius!

What is it? asks Gaius. 

I know the secret name of the Ada Tree, says Terence. She told Banjo, and Banjo told me.

Fascinating, says Gaius. What is it?

I can't say it, says Terence, but it starts with M and rhymes with eels.

Meels? says Gaius. That surprises me.

Me too, says Terence. Because that wasn't it.

Perhaps it rhymes with something else, says Gaius. Think harder.

Ear, says Terence.

Meel-ear, says Gaius. MELIA!

Oops! says Terence. I revealed it.

You always meant to, says Banjo. You're a very bad friend.

Now, now, says Gaius, let's not succumb to ill feelings. Melia is not a secret name. It's the name of all nymphs of ash trees. I must tell Pierre-Louis.

Pierre-Louis is talking to Ranger Roger, who seems reluctant to go.

I know Banjo's tree, and his parents, says Ranger Roger. 

So do we, says Pierre-Louis. We'll be fine on our own.

It seems Banjo was spoken to by Melia, a mountain ash tree nymph, says Gaius. Can you believe it? 

I can, says Pierre-Louis. It was probably she whom I dreamed of.

Indeed, says Gaius. I must write that down.

Not my dream! says Pierre-Louis. 

I won't mention you, says Gaius. But, curses! I still don't have a pencil.

I have one, says Ranger Roger. Here you go.

Thank you, says Gaius. Are you coming with us to return Banjo to his tree?

I intend to, says Ranger Roger. It's my job to see that all's going well in the forest.

Perhaps you could do it yourself, says Gaius. It would save us some time.

All right, says Ranger Roger. I'll do it. And I'll see you in Powelltown.

We're going straight through to Yellingbo, says Gaius.

Yellingbo it is, then, says Ranger Roger.

He scoops Banjo up from the carriage, tucks him into his Ranger jacket, and cycles away at top speed.

He's a fast rider! says Gaius.

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