Sunday, March 9, 2025

To Act As A Tail

Tonight is the first night of AI CANDIDE! ( the eye-catching title).

Arthur is giving out fliers.

Someone accepts one.

Hey! says the person. I saw this show last year.

Not this one, says Arthur. It has AI effects.

Like what? asks the person.

Like this, says Arthur, pushing his hair back to show his red-tipped ears and arched eyebrows.

That's just makeup, says the person.

Then what about this? says Arthur, unarching his eyebrows.

That was just you unarching your eyebrows, says the person. And you've still got red ears. Make them go back to normal.

Later, says Arthur. 

Weren't you in it last year, when they gave out free seeds? asks the person. That was good. Are you  giving out freebies?

What we're doing, says Arthur, is asking the audience to identify which parts are AI. 

That should be easy, says the person. Look at the fingers. Is there a prize?

There could be, says Arthur.

Sometimes it's best to remain enigmatic.

So are you coming? asks Arthur. It starts in half an hour.

I could do, says the person, shoving the flyer into his pocket and walking away.

Arthur joins the rest of the cast in the tiny space behind the Piglet.

Any interest? asks Vello. 

There is now, says Arthur. 

What do you mean? asks Vello. I hope you haven't been offering free seeds. We don't have any.

Just a hint that there might be a prize, says Arthur. 

What for? asks Vello.

Guessing which parts of the show are AI, says Arthur. 

Sweezus, who is buttoning up his suit, overhears this.

Cool idea, says Sweezus. Everyone's into it.

Are they? says Vello. I should think it would be fairly obvious.

So would I, says David. Apparently you look at the fingers.

Fingers! says Vello. Horses don't have fingers!

And joins, says David. Remember the Princess of Wales and her photos?

What's this? asks Belle, swishing over in her newly split skirt.

It seems we're giving out prizes for guessing which parts of the show are AI, says Vello.

One prize, says Arthur.

And what might that be? asks Vello. 

Up to you, says Arthur.

Vello casts about for ideas.

Maybe a signed autograph? 

A prop, of minimal value?

A poem? Yes, a poem by Arthur. Let him come up with a suitable one in hurry.

But in fact, the problem is already solving itself.

Terence, wishing to give Gloopy an excellent adventure, has tied the vinegar bottle to his waist by a string, and is keeping it hidden, temporarily, in the back of his shorts.

To act as a tail.

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