It's eating the buns! says Belle. How is that even possible?
It only appears to be eating the buns, says Sweezus.
Then where are the buns? asks Vello.
Everyone looks for the buns,
Except of course for the AI horse, who has eaten them.
After all, this was his chance.
The entire knowledge of the internet is at its disposal.
It knows horses like buns. It knows Terence can't eat them.
But it does not know what will happen if he eats them via Terence's face.
The following is what happens.
The door of the rehearsal room opens and Gaius walks in, with Terence.
Here we are, ready for duty, says Gaius. Where is my cushion?
Where's my horse? asks Terence.
There, says Belle. And you won't believe this, but it's eaten our buns.
Let's see, says Terence.
He runs across to the AI horse with his face.
Can it talk? asks Terence.
Of course I can talk, says Terence's face.
Woop! says Terence. And can you eat anything?
Only buns so far, says Terence's face.
What do they taste like? asks Terence.
Like sandpaper, says Terence's face.
Hear that? says Sweezus.
I heard that, says David. Why should the buns taste like sandpaper to a horse with Terence's face. A virtual horse at that.
Yes, says Vello. Logically the buns shouldn't taste like anything.
And they shouldn't have disappeared, says Belle.
Is this my cushion? asks Gaius.
Yes, says Vello. Tie it on. We're about to finish rehearsing scene three, the escape to Cadiz, on three horses.
Excellent, says Gaius.
Am I going to be one of them? asks Terence.
You already are, says Sweezus. That's your face. And I'm cloning two others.
One other, says Terence. One has to be the real me.
We don't have a horse costume, says Belle.
And you're too small to be ridden, says David.
Belle could ride me, says Terence.
Actually I could, says Belle. At least I could seem to be riding. My long skirt would cover my feet.
What an idea! says Vello. We don't want this scene to look comical.
But I want to be in it! cries Terence.
We all want you to be in it, says Belle.
The AI horse with Terence's face is gaining a new piece of data.
It not only has Terence's face, but his digestive system.
Terence watches as five half-chewed buns spew out onto the floor.
This should be good for his chances.
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