Monday, March 17, 2025

Tweezery Pricklets

The show is over. 

Hedley and his mother go around to the back of the Piglet.

Arthur is sitting on the grass picking broken glass from the backs of his legs.

Vello is speaking to Terence.

What possessed you to hang the vinegar bottle in the arbour? says Vello.

What does that mean? asks Terence.

He means why did you do it, says Hedley.

Hedley! says Terence. You won!

Hello Hedley, says Vello. Congratulations. What prop do you choose as a prize? 

I want the poem, says Hedley. I did want the bottle with the herring inside, but it broke.

You could still have the herring, says Vello.

No he couldn't, says Terence. It's gone missing.

Then it looks like Arthur will have to come up with a poem, says Vello. 

Arthur adds another shard of glass to the pile.

Arthur? says Vello.

Sure, says Arthur. A poem for Hedley. 

You don't have to do it right now, says Hedley's mother. Your legs need attention.

I'm giving them attention, says Arthur. 

Are they painful? asks Hedley's mother.

Yes, says Arthur. 

Lie down, says Hedley's mother. On your stomach. And keep still.

Arthur chooses not to comply.

Do it, says Hedley. Then you can start on my poem.

Yes, says Terence. Do it. We'll help you. How about, A herring has died.....

It wasn't a herring, says Hedley. 

Doesn't matter, says Arthur, lying down and rolling over. 

Keep still, says Hedley's mother.

She fishes some tweezers from the depths of her bag.

Arhur keeps still, feeling tweezery pricklets of pain.

Well? says Hedley.

Why not? thinks Arthur. Pain usually helps with the process.

He allows his mind to wander.

Quoi quoi quoi ?

ah...heureusement qu'il a choisi 

le bon moment lorsque le hareng s'est éloigné

Le prix emerge des jambes criblées du poete

réclamé par le gagnant Hedley....

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