Saturday, May 14, 2011


Farky stood outside the old Elephant House in his plastic Panda Hat, stricken with thoughts of mortality.

You need cheering up Farky, said Sweezus. This is a sad part of the zoo. I'm going to take you to an Immersion.

An Immersion! said Farky. His ears pricked up, setting his Panda Hat askew. What's that?

I read about Immersion while I was inside the elephant house, said Sweezus. It's when the Zoo tries to make you feel as though you're totally immersed in the animals' habitat. For example, you walk along a narrow jungle trail lined with tall bamboos and emerge onto a high wooden viewing platform right under a treeful of gibbons.

Gibbons! said Farky. Are they alive? he asked, suspiciously.

Of course they are, said Sweezus. Come on let's follow our map.

They passed the giraffe enclosure, which seemed too small for the two tall giraffes who lived there. A meerkat in an adjoining enclosure paced up and down on the concrete just inside the fence. A sun bear looked decidedly depressed. Sweezus hoped they would soon find an Immersion.

Farky had recovered from his existential moment. He was bounding ahead along the path sniffing at smells. When he reached the Nocturnal House, he stuck his head in. Near the entrance was a sign that said Shush! The Ghost Bats have just had babies. Please help them by being as quiet as possible. He tiptoed in.

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