Monday, May 9, 2011

Panda Hat

They stopped at the new Panda Enclosure. At first they couldn't see any pandas. Then Wang Wang wandered out from behind a rock.

Oh look! said Farky. There's Wang Wang!

Oops, said Sweezus. I forgot to bring my notebook.

Never mind, said Farky, let's go over to the Panda Shop. They're sure to have souvenir notebooks.

I don't want a souvenir notebook, said Sweezus. It'll have pandas on the front.

Beggars can't be choosers, said Farky. Come on.

They went inside the Panda Shop. It was a wonderland of Panda products, from Boy and Girl Panda Dolls to Panda Beercan Holders, Panda Bookmarks, Panda Chocolates and Panda Hats.

Sweezus handed over the money for an expensive Panda Notebook.

Can I have a Panda Hat? asked Farky.

No, snapped Sweezus.

Farky made himself scarce. When Sweezus met him outside the shop he was wearing a Panda Hat.

You nicked that! said Sweezus, shocked.

I didn't think you'd care, said Farky. What's the difference between sneaking in under a fence and stealing a Panda hat?

I would only have considered sneaking in under the fence for you, said Sweezus.

The Panda Hat is for me, said Farky.

I sometimes forget you're a dog, said Sweezus.

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