Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Contador's Dog

Have you ever tried to ride a bicycle, Farky? asked Belle et Bonne.

No, said Farky, but I used to travel in a bicycle basket when I was a puppy.

Would you like to learn to ride? asked The VeloDrone.

Dogs can't ride, said Farky.

Dogs can't talk, replied The VeloDrone.

True, said Farky. Yes, I would like to learn how to ride.

Good, said the VeloDrone. I'm looking for new team members for Team Philosophe. The Tour de France is coming up in July. Are you interested?

Am I! said Farky. Do you think there's enough time for me to get up to speed?

Yes, if you start coming out with David and me every afternoon, said The VeloDrone.

Yippee! said Farky. The Tour de France! I'll get to meet Alberto Contador's dog!

I didn't know he had a dog, said Belle et Bonne.

Google it, said Farky. I'll bet you he's got a dog.

Belle googled Contador's dog.

Well, well! she said. He does have a dog. A Weimaraner called Tour.

I knew it, said Farky.

Why do you want to meet Contador's dog? asked Belle et Bonne. Are you a fan of Contador?

No, said Farky, but if I befriend his dog, I may learn something that will give our team the advantage.

Very good, said The VeloDrone. I see you are made of the right stuff, Farquhar MacTaggart. This is looking very promising for Team Philosophe.

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