Monday, April 8, 2013

Success Threats and Promises

Arthur's Banksy piece is published in Velosophy, and proves popular.

Banksy himself even makes a comment. That is, if it is Banksy.

Banksy, if it is Banksy, writes:  Good piece, guys. Just what I would have written if I wasn't Banksy. Disclaimer: This was written by Banksy.

Banksy's comment proves even more popular. There is talk of preserving it in perspex.


Baby Pierre, Ouvert and Lavender are excited. They are going to Wallaroo.

Do you have something to read? asks Kobo.

No, Auntie Kobo, says Baby Pierre. We'll be too busy to do any reading.

Bunny's got a book, says Lavender. It's called Lourdes, by Emile Zola.

That's alright then, says Kobo. I'm sure you'll learn something from that.

It's ten a.m. Bunny, Arthur and Gaius are at the bus station, waiting for Violetta to arrive.

The bus is about to leave. They  get on board.

Tickets? says the driver.

Drat, says Gaius. I knew I'd forgotten something.

No ticket, no ride, says the driver.

Violetta dashes up with a huge purple backpack bulging with aerosol cans.

What's up? says Violetta.

No tickets, says Bunny. We have to get off.

Nonsense, says Violetta, jumping up the steps to threaten the driver.

How would you like a dozen oversized Giant Cuttlefish mating lasciviously graffitied all over your bus? growls Violetta.

Is that a threat or an offer? says the driver, who has a soft spot for cuttlefish.

Either, says Violetta.

Done, says the driver. Get on board.

Does this mean we don't have to pay? says Gaius.

She doesn't, says the driver.

None of my friends do, says Violetta, reaching for a spray can.

Fine, says the driver. Calm down. Whatever you say.

He closes the doors of the bus, and presses a secret red button.

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