Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat

The Hungarrian hung up soon after that. Perhaps he was offended.

But the hat, which was a pork pie hat, really had looked as though it was enjoying itself. It was tucked into the crack at the back of the seat, which resulted in its brim being slightly elevated, giving the impression that it was smiling. Or so I thought, when I looked at it. A musical hat. you see them sometimes.

Musical umbrellas now, you see a lot of those. They come to the concerts and they cry and cry, particularly if it's been raining. Their tears run down the floorboards all the way to the front of the stage. Pathetic really. But then, they don't get out much.

In the cold weather we notice a lot of musical coats. They usually have a seat to themselves, and they fold themselves up small and really concentrate on the music. But they never clap, because they never enjoy it, because they have cloth ears.

I've seen a few musical pencils over the years as well. They don't appear to like music very much at all. They sometimes make a show of tapping in time but usually they just doodle, or catch up on their homework.

Once there was, to my certain knowledge, under one of the seats, a musical quiche.....

Come on Bela! You believe me don't you?

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