Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Road Less Travelled

Should I press on now? Or fork off?

Back to Friday or on with today?

Let me think about that.

Back to Friday, and press on. Pliny and Nostradamus crossed Frome road. They reached the university. They had lunch in the Adelaide University Staff Club.

There is something about eating at The Adelaide University Staff Club that Pliny has not yet mastered. That is the art of eating and drinking at the same time. Three times she has been there now and each time has eaten her lunch and then obtained a drink afterwards. No one else in the club appears to do this.

But I am forking off.

After lunch they went to the concert in the Elder Hall. There were plenty of empty seats but the best ones nearest the front and in the middle caused Pliny to have to make a split second decision. If she chose those seats she would be sitting next to one of her old professors from decades ago. She has sat behind him before but never beside him. Press on, she thought, influenced by the smiling heavens. He does not know you from a bar of soap. She pressed on and sat down next to him. Heaven knows why she did not leave an empty seat between herself and him.

And so it was that she listened to the whole baroque concert by Lucinda Moon and Linda Kent leaning slightly away from the professor, and smelling, whenever he clapped, his shaving soap, which was disconcertingly like the shaving soap that her grandpa used to use.

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