Friday, January 15, 2010

Tour Down Under

The editors of Velosophy are back in the office after their holiday break.

The VeloDrone: Have you heard anything from Professor Freud about his Galileo story?

Le Bon David: Yes, he says it's nearly ready, but he just needs to double check the physics.

The VeloDrone: The physics! Does Freud know anything about physics?

Le Bon David: Exactly! That's why he's double checking it, I suppose. I hope it won't turn out to be full of embarrassing errors.

The VeloDrone: So do I. But let's hope he gets a move on. We don't have anything for our next edition.

Le Bon David: You forget. The Tour Down Under starts on Sunday. We can do something on that. In fact, why don't we travel to Adelaide ourselves and see if we can come up with a few cycling stories. Interview the riders, that sort of thing.

The VeloDrone: You and me?

Le Bon David: Yes, take our bicycles, get amongst them. Come on, it'll be fun.

The VeloDrone: Alright, David. As long as you promise me one thing.

Le Bon David: What?

The VeloDrone: To let me drive the campervan. Remember what happened last time?

Le Bon David: That was not my fault. But yes, agreed. And we'll start tonight.

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