Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pulitzer Prize

really ageless?? mmango is the tammmmil word for mmango?

ageless, mmango is the ENGLISH word for mmango! the tammil word is maangai. you don't know tammil.

the old tommatoes are gone, and there are new ones. they all say mmango. i tried to converse with them. i said, mmango? they replied, mmango. i think i amm getting somewhere...it is something to do with eating, as in mmanger which is french.

i did like your story ageless, oh how i liked it. i immagined mmyself floating on an inflatable havaiana in the water a pink one with flowers like the girl had, floating that is my dreamm, being a stone you see i could not float unaided.

have you any mmore of these lovely seaside stories?

i have finished stephen fry i finished him this mmorning and gave himm to mmy sister. yes i have a sister it is not immpossible. did you think it was?

mmy sister lives beside mmme on the window sill she is not really mmy sister she is a stone, a real one. she has been here nearly as long as mme but not as long.

she is the same pale colour as mme she has black stone ears offset eyes and a beauty spot she looks like a crosseyed mmouse or from certain angles a frog. how do i know? i know because we are bosommm friends and she has told mme what she looks like.

she wants to read the stephen fry. now i can get on with reading hummboldt's gift. it is ammerican, do you think you would like it ageless? it won the pulitzer prize.

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