Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The philosophers are walking back to their hostel after seeing Adolf.

The VeloDrone: Well now, what did you think of that, girls? I trust you thought it was brilliant and thought-provoking and relevant?

Belle et Bonne: It was lovely, and sad.

The VeloDrone: Lovely and sad? How was it lovely and sad?

Belle et Bonne: He wanted to marry Eva.

Le Bon David: That was Hitler, you do know that don't you, my dear?

Belle et Bonne: I though he was Adolf.

Le Bon David: Belle et Bonne, either you are being deliberately obtuse, or you weren't listening to the other half of what he said.

Marie: She's right. Adolf was alright. But when the actor took off his wig and started being himself, I was totally shocked by some of his racist remarks. Those silly accents. Outrageous.

The VeloDrone: You girls are hopeless! That was HITLER! It was HITLER!

Marie: It was just an actor.

Le Bon David: But he was saying the things that Hitler said, about ridding the world of Jews and Gypsies, and doing it for the good of the German people.

Belle et Bonne ( giggling ): We're only pulling your legs, papa and Uncle David.

Marie: Yes. Of course we thought it was brilliant. What more is there to say? I wish everyone in the world could see it. Not that it would have an effect on SOME people.

Belle et Bonne: Like that awful man in the front row. The big man with the cap. He kept coughing and sneezing.

Le Bon David: Yes, he should have stayed at home. I hope we don't catch anything.

The VeloDrone: I agree, he should have been thrown out.

Marie: I felt like wringing his neck!

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