Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Six Sided Man

The philosophers are having a drink in the Higher Ground bar after catching a late night performance of The Six Sided Man.

Le Bon David: Well, well, that was excellent. Thought provoking. What did you think, Vello?

The VeloDrone: Yes, very good. The actors were superb. Hee hee! Imagine basing all your decisions on the fall of the dice. Did you like it, my dears?

Belle et Bonne: The actors were too old and fat for my liking.

Marie: Hear hear! I would have liked to see them performing it thirty years ago.

Belle et Bonne: I agree. It's a young man's play. An older person wouldn't want to abandon his life to chance like that. Life's chancey enough when you're old, don't you think, Uncle David?

Le Bon David: Old? Hum, hum.

The VeloDrone: Old? You girls are being ridiculous. A mature person might very well think his life was dull and want to spice it up a bit by the throwing of a dice. Or die.

Marie: Or die?

The VeloDrone: One die.

Le Bon David: My prince will come!

Marie: Now who's being ridiculous? Anyway, I knew you two would like it.

Le Bon David: Because we're old and fat?

The VeloDrone: I'm not fat!

Belle et Bonne: Because you like everything. That's why we love you.

Le Bon David: Oh.

The VeloDrone: Well said, dear Belle et Bonne. Now would anyone like another drink?

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