Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jealous of a Stone

jealous ageless! why should I be jealous although i do think you are trying to mmake mme jealous why should i a fossilised clammm be jealous of a stone???

her namme is pierre if you want to know. PIERRE!!!

i know what you are thinking ageless that's a boy's nammme ha! it is a stone's nammme. if you are so good at french you mmust know that.

she is quite religious, mmy sister pierre. you mmust be careful what you say to her don't mmention god it sets her off, not that you are going to commmunicate with her are you???

if you want to ask her anything ask mmme and i will tell her what you asked, it's better.

i amm very madd with you agelesss very mmmad indeed, and if you think about it you'll know why.

i'mmm reading hummmboldt's gift. do you seemmm to care? no.

and you would like it ageless but it is a puzzle to mmme. i amm up to page two hundred and thirty seven ageless, and i still don't know what hummmboldt's gift is. but i suspect i amm about to learn.

perhaps it is a necklace wrapped in red paper, yes i liked your story, but i don't think so.

hummboldt was a crazy poet he has died early on in the story. his friend has just received a letter from his wife kathleen. if it does not reveal the gift of hummboldt i will be temmpted to cheat and read ahead it is driving mmme insane not really.

i may as well tell you pierre did like your story.

you do not deserve to even know that agelesss. you are supposed to be MMMMMY FRIEND as i ammm yours

your spurned beloved kobo

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