Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Joy Interrupted

Ray is thinking : We should drive on without them.

Then he remembers Arthur has the money. And Schopenhauer expects to visit Tasmania.

All right, says Ray. You can drive us to the police station. First lesson. Get behind the wheel, and turn the key.

Schopenhauer settles himself behind the steering wheel, and turns the key. Brrrmmm!

Now, says Ray. See those pedals?

Too late, Schopenhauer has let the hand brake off and crunched the gearstick. Crawk!

Clutch! says Ray. That's the accelerator.......Crikey!

Does Schopenhauer know more than he's let on?

The Ute lurches down the road in the direction of the building which might be the police station, and stops abruptly as it hits the kerb.

We must be out of petrol, says Schopenhauer.

No, says Ray. Arthur just filled up with petrol. Although it looks like he didn't fill it up completely.

Schopenhauer gets out of the Ute and walks over to the building.

Police! he calls.

A door opens. Gaius and Arthur come out.

Mmmm. What is that delightful smell that wafts out with them ? Is it....could it be.... the sweet smell of Lobster Thermidor?

Is that Lobster I can smell? says Schopenhauer.

Yes, says Arthur. But don't get too excited. It's the policeman's dinner.

Did you ask him where he got it? says Schopenhauer.

No, says Gaius. Maybe we should have. It looks like we'll be staying overnight. He won't let us report the missing bicycles. He says he's closed

Schopenhauer knocks loudly on the policeman's door.

The policeman appears, looking like a man who's dinner has been interrupted.

My friends and I could not help noticing, says Schopenhauer, that you are eating Lobster. We should very much also like to eat Lobster. Will you tell us where we may obtain it?

Sails Restaurant, says the policeman. Down the road a bit. But you might need to make a booking.

No,  says Schopenhauer. We shall not need to make a booking. We shall insist on being seated. For this reason. We have been detained in Robe against our wills.

The policeman shuts the door. These bloody tourists. See how far they get with their demands.

Come and eat your Lobster, says his wife.

The policeman sits down in front of his half of the Lobster and wonders if his wife has switched the plates.


Sails Restaurant is illuminated brightly and is full of happy diners eating Lobster.

Gaius, Ray, Arthur and Schopenhauer are sitting at a table looking at the menu.

Southern Rock Lobster with Fattoush Salad and Roast Potatoes. Price On Application.

We'll all have that, says Schopenhauer to the waiter.

Sorry, says the waiter. You have to order Lobster in advance.

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