Thursday, March 6, 2014

Resurrection And Closure

Belle and Sweezus have left to look for Arthur.

Katherine has gone back to move Ray's Ute.

In Ward 5, Gaius is sitting up in bed, reading the notes Sweezus has taken at the lecture.

Snorkelling, says Gaius. That is not what I expected.

He scans further down the page, to the Funisia.

Ray, says Gaius. What do you make of this?

Ray pokes his head out from the covers.

There's only one word for it, says Ray.

What is it? says the nurse, appearing out of nowhere.

Pornography, says Ray. Disgusting protuberances.

That's three words, Ray, says the nurse.

She looks closely at the doodle.

Nothing we haven't seen before, says the nurse. Put it away now.

Arthur would have taken proper notes, says Gaius. Where is he? And when will I get out of here?

Tomorrow morning, says the nurse. After the doctor sees you.

And me? asks Ray.

You too, says the nurse.


Sweezus and Belle enter the Hotel Wright Street.

They see Arthur's poem on the chalk board.

The waiter comes out of the kitchen.

There you are, says the waiter. I must say, you're some friend.

What does he mean? asks Belle et Bonne.

You left him to pay the bill when he had no money, says the waiter. He washed the dishes, and then he wrote a poem.

How did he go, washing the dishes? asks Belle et Bonne.

Terrible, says the waiter. I'm doing them again.

I bet he didn't use any detergent, says Belle et Bonne.

He didn't, says the waiter.

The snakes had money, says Sweezus. And Arthur had a gold coin in his pocket.

The snakes left, when Arthur passed out after drinking too much tequila, says the waiter. And Arthur had nothing in his pocket. No phone, no money.

Shit! says Sweezus. I know what's happened! And I know where Arthur'll be. Thanks mate!

Where are we going? says Belle et Bonne.

The Surf Shop, says Sweezus.

It's nine o'clock on Tuesday night, says Belle et Bonne. It won't be open.


Katherine is not far away. She is in Gilles Street looking for Ray's Ute.

Where is it now? Things look different in the dark.........aha, that looks like it!

She walks up to the vehicle. Opens her handbag, rummages around to find the keys.

She is about to open the door on the driver's side when she remembers Porky.

Oh no. He must still be in the tray! Poor dead Porky.

She walks round to the back of the Toyota Ute and looks in gingerly.

There is the empty plastic shopping bag, its handles rustling gently in the autumn evening breeze.

And right beside it sits a little pile of dog shit.

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