Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Predictive Jellyfish

When do we set off for Tasmania? asks Schopenhauer, as he wheels the Platonic Ideal along the Rundle Street pavement.

As soon as I locate young Arthur, says Gaius. That reminds me, I must give him a call.

You should learn to ride first, says Katherine.

Indeed, says Schopenhauer. That is my intention.

Lessons! says Vello. That's what you need.

Yes, lessons, says David. Come back to the office with us, we'll grab our bikes and go for a spin.

No you won't, says Katherine. You must wait till the beer wears off.

Very sensible, mother, says David.

Very sensible, echoes Schopenhauer, with a watery smile. The voice of reason, from a mother, who has also been drinking. And is she going to drive home in a car?

No, I shall hop on a tram, says Katherine. And I suggest you get rid of that bee in your bonnet about women.

Off you go, mother, says David. Stop sniping. You'll miss your tram.

Katherine stalks of without a backward glance at the philosophers.

Philosophers. What do they know?


Arthur is in the kitchen at Gaius's house, with Belle et Bonne.

She is looking in the pantry for something to eat.

He is fiddling with his new sewing kit.

Ten sharp little needles. He draws one out, stabs a decorative pattern of holes in the wooden table, in the shape of a jellyfish.

Snap. The cheap needle breaks.

There are plenty more, stuck through slits in the paper.

Next he examines the scissors.

Scissors! says Belle. Just what I need to open this packet. Give them here for a minute. Arthur! What have you done to the table?

It's a jellyfish, says Arthur. Look. I broke one of the needles.

Tch! says Belle. Let me throw it away.

No, says Arthur. It may come in useful.

It's dangerous, says Belle et Bonne. You know that. Do you like pasta?

Yes, says Arthur.

That's what we're having, says Belle.

Just then, his phone rings. It's Gaius.

Arthur! says Gaius. At last! Now listen.

Arthur listens to the outline of a plan he does not want to hear.

Merde! says Arthur, when Gaius has finished.

What is it? says Belle. Tasmania?

That's the good part, compared to the rest, groans Arthur. We're driving to Melbourne to catch the ferry. In Ray's Ute. That means Ray's coming. And Schopenhauer is coming. He's got a bicycle. Some sort of wunder-bicycle. But he can't ride it yet. And the worst bit....

What's the worst bit? asks Belle.

Gaius thinks I've got the money that was in the snake box, says Arthur. But I haven't.

Belle smiles.

Arthur, says Belle. Cheer up. It sounds perfect. Just your sort of scenario.

Arthur thinks for a second.

She's right.

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