Thursday, November 25, 2021

Front Gardens Have Ears.

W? says Gaius. Is that all?

It's torn here, says Arthur. There might be more to it.

When the mission is completed, w, says Roo-kai. Is it in English?

Yes, says Arthur, it's in English.

The rest of the instructions were in French, says Roo-kai.

Maybe w is in French, says Terence.

That's a good point, says Gaius. In fact, it is likely.

Terence is proud. He has made a good point that is likely.

Why? asks Roo-kai.

Not many French words start with w, says Gaius. Think. Do you know of any?

Le week-end, says Arthur. Le Wifi. Le whisky. Le water polo. Le wok.

Le willy, says Terence. 

But no one acknowledges this as another good point.

It's a dead end, says Gaius. W may after all be in English.

Most likely a verb, says Arthur. W meaning wait for further instructions.

That's it, says Roo-kai. I'll wait for further instructions.

Why don't we eat while we wait, suggests Gaius. Tuck in, Arthur.

Thanks, says Arthur, taking a handful of blueberries.

As soon as this wretched quarantine period is over, says Gaius, I plan to go to Queensland, but first, I'd like to stop off at Taree.

Is Taree inland? asks Arthur.

He wants to go surfing, says Terence.

I believe so, says Gaius. I won't stay there long. I wish to observe the Screaming Tree Frog otherwise known as litoria quiritatus, as it has lately been discovered that they are a separate species from the Slender Bleating Tree Frog  or litoria balatus.

Arthur takes another handful of blueberries.

He does not like the sound of Taree.

The doorbell rings.

Who can it be? Baby Pierre? No, he can't reach the buzzer.

I'll go, says Gaius.

He goes to the front door. It's Vello.

Greetings, says Gaius. We were just remarking the dearth of words starting with w in the French language.

In relation to the famous Instructions? asks Vello. 

How did you know? asks Gaius.

Let me in first, says Vello. Front gardens have ears.

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