Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Spy Hotel

Terence doesn't need a quarantine bracelet, says Gaius. He is made of cement.

But I want one, says Terence.

You're getting one, says Victor, attaching a small bracelet to Terence's ankle. 

What about me? asks Roo-kai.

Birds don't get them, says Victor. 

Roo-kai can share mine, says Terence.

Good luck getting it off, says Victor.

Cup of tea? asks Gaius. That's if there are any teabags.

No thanks, says Victor. I'll be off now. I'll be keeping in touch.

When can I get my instructions back? asks Terence.

In due course, says Victor.

He turns to go.

Ding dong! 

Gaius's doorbell.

Who can that be? says Gaius. Probably Arthur.

He opens the door.

No, it's Vello.

Hello, says Vello. I've just dropped by to see how things are going.

You can't go in, says Victor. Gaius is home quarantining.

He may need some shopping done, says Vello.

I do! says Gaius. Would you be so kind as to wait while I make a shopping list?

Anything for a fellow team member, says Vello.

It must be nice to to have friends in high places, says Victor.

No need to be sniffy, says Vello. What's that you have there?

Evidence, says Victor, A so-called packet of instructions with French words on the cover.

Les Directives Pour Espionner.

May I open it? asks Vello.

Certainly not, says Victor. But you might like to give me a heads-up. What does it say?

Nothing of importance, says Vello. These are directions to the Espy.

What is the Espy? asks Victor.

You must know, says Vello. That hotel at Brighton, they call it the Espy. The Esplanade Hotel.

Is that all? says Victor. I was wise to have asked you. Wouldn't want to look like a numpty. 

No, you wouldn't, says Vello. Shall I return it to Gaius?

Please do, says Victor. 

He heads for his police van. Gets in. Drives away.

Gaius returns with his shopping list.

Just a few necessities, says Gaius. Will you go now?

Not yet, says Vello. I have something for you. I'm coming inside.

What about the home quarantine regulations? asks Gaius.

Did it ever occur to you, says Vello, that long-lived historical figures such as you and I are never going to catch covid?

No it didn't, says Gaius. I often get headaches and toothaches. Don't you?

The flux, on occasion, says Vello. But not deadly viruses. 

Gaius is not entirely convinced, but Vello seems determined, so he is allowed to come in.

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