Thursday, January 20, 2022

Inside The Oyster

They pass through Coolongolook, without stopping.

Taree is the next town, says Gaius.

Good, says Wittgenstein. Where are we staying?

At the side of the road, says Gaius. Preferably near cool dark woodland, or forest, or wetland or heath.

You are obviously thinking of tree frogs, says Wittgenstein. 

What are you thinking of? asks Gaius. 

Amenities, says Wittgenstein. A proper camp site.

What am I thinking of? asks Terence.

I'm sure you will tell us, says Gaius.

The World's Largest Mistake, says Terence. 

Which is? asks Gaius.

Too many people, says Wittgenstein.

I'm asking Terence, says Gaius. He will hardly be thinking of too many people.

No, says Terence. It's a Giant Oyster. Sweezus saw it.

Yes, I remember you mentioned a large something, says Gaius. You said it had frightened the tree frogs away.

I made up that part, says Terence.

I thought so, says Gaius.

They drive down the main street of Taree.

And there, above a car dealership, sits the World's Largest Oyster.

Strange, says Wittgenstein. Using an oyster. Who'd like to stop and investigate?

Me, says Terence. 

Me, says Roo-kai.

All right, sighs Gaius. 

Wittgenstein parks the camper out the front. They go into the dealership.

A dealer comes quickly towards them.

These people look ripe for a sale, thinks the dealer.

Looking for something a bit more upmarket? asks the dealer. 

No, says Wittgenstein. We have stepped in to ask about your oyster.

It doubles as an upstairs showroom, says the dealer. Come on up. 

He leads them upstairs.

Disappointingly, it does not look much like an oyster, on the inside.

And the cars are ridiculously expensive.

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