Monday, January 3, 2022

Stupid Knife Stupid Pencil

We're not playing I spy, says Sweezus.

What then? asks Terence.

I'll play it with you, says Roo-kai.

I'll quarter an apple, says Gaius. Where's that knife?

I spy with my little eye something that is.....a knife, says Terence.

Where? asks Gaius.

I don't really, says Terence. That's too easy.

So you don't see it, says Roo-kai.

No, says Terence.

But it's a knife, says Roo-kai.

Yes, says Terence. You guessed it.

But where is it? asks Gaius. I need it to quarter the apple.

Where was it last? asks Sweezus.

With the pencil, says Gaius.

I spy.... begins Terence.

We're not playing I spy, says Roo-kai.

Too bad, says Terence. It was an easy one.

Pencil, says Roo-kai.

You said you weren't playing, says Terence.

And I'm not, says Roo-kai.

How about a poetry competition? suggests Sweezus.

Good idea, says Gaius. That should last us till we get to Dubbo.

And it's like, silent, says Sweezus.

Indeed, says Gaius. I'll need that pencil, to jot down ideas.

I don't need a pencil, says Terence. I've got a poem already. It's called Last Thoughts of Quarz.

You can't just extemporise, says Sweezus. It has to be polished, 

It is polished, says Terence. Can I go first?

No, says Sweezus. Gaius goes first. He's the oldest.

This may take some time, says Gaius. I haven't found the pencil.

It might be in here, says Roo-kai.

He heaves Gaius's back pack over the front seat, so Gaius can rummage through it.

Excellent! says Gaius. Here's the knife. And look! An onion!

Terence can't believe he is not going first. It's not fair. Now Gaius has found a stupid onion. And the knife. So he'll cut up the apple. And then eat it. And maybe the onion. And he still hasn't found the stupid pencil.  

Roo-kai sees all these thoughts on his face.

Whisper it to me, says Roo-kai. 

Terence cheers up at once.

Okay, says Terence. But no copying.

As if, says Roo-kai.

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