Saturday, January 1, 2022

Behind Two Different Trees

 Roo-kai and Terence arrive at the camper just as Sweezus and Gaius wake up.

I am pleased to see you, says Gaius. I dreamed you had met with ill fortune.

What's ill fortune? asks Terence.

Bad luck, says Sweezus. 

He did meet with it, says Roo-kai.

Don't tell them, says Terence.

Tell us what? asks Sweezus. 

Nothing, says Terence.

We'll have to tell them something, says Roo-kai.

Okay. I'll do it, says Terence.

Go on, says Gaius. No wait a second. Where are those apples?

We ate them, says Sweezus. Let's drive to a shop, and stock up.

All right, says Gaius. But first I must urinate.

Me too, says Sweezus.

They go behind two different trees.

Then everyone gets into the camper.

At least we've got water, says Sweezus.

Yes, says Gaius. Perhaps we should push on to Nyngan. It's early. Shops here won't be open.

Good plan, says Sweezus.

They head off towards Nyngan.

Now tell us what happened, says Sweezus.

Remember my crystal? says Terence. 

Yeah, says Sweezus. The one I gave you? 

It wanted to go for a dip, says Terence.

You lost it, says Sweezus. 

There's more to the story, says Roo-kai.

So I suspect, says Gaius. What did it ask for a dip in?

The old open cut mine which is now a swimming spot, says Roo-kai. 

You went there? says Sweezus.

Under Quarz's protection, says Roo-kai.

Yeah, like that worked, says Sweezus. 

It protected ME, says Terence. And the good part is that now that's it's missing I should get a new present and I already know what I want.

I explained to him that none of that follows, says Roo-kai.

We'll look for it on our way back, says Sweezus. If we come this way. 

Which we may not, says Gaius.

But until we know for sure that it's irretrievable, says Sweezus, you can't have a new present.

And even then, says Gaius, it will NOT be a horse.

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