Wednesday, December 11, 2013

An Operational Matter

Gaius has gone off with the kind-hearted Beverley, to her house overlooking the marina, and an uncertain fate.

Houdini has slipped back into the water, just north of the jetty.

His friends gather round.

What happened? says Malcolm. You were ages.

Yeah, ages, says Joe.

The famous escapologist, sneers Tony.

Shut up, says Houdini. I had no end of trouble, but I'm back.

What happened? asks Malcolm.

You already asked that, says Joe.

But he didn't answer, says Malcolm

Aren't we sharp, scoffs Tony.

So what happened? asks Malcolm.

You'll never guess, says Houdini. I was almost iced, but I escaped in a handbag. Never mind how.

He taps the side of his beak with a tentacle. Trade secrets.

Wanker, says Joe.

I went to a meeting, continues Houdini. My captor read out a report. And that's how I found out what happened to the Twitcher.

The Twitcher! What happened? asks Malcolm.

No one knows, says Houdini.

Joe looks at Tony. No one knows?

Houdini looks shifty.

An operational matter? says Tony.


Jazzman's mum has finally gone off to bed.

Sweezus, Jazzman and Arthur sit up drinking beer.

What's there to do in Wallaroo? says Sweezus. Besides fishing?

Heaps, says Jazzman. There's the Gym, the Electronics Museum, the Op Shop, there's dancing. There's a Nautical and Heritage Museum and Bingo, and the Dragon Boat Club.

Yeah but, any surfing? asks Sweezus.

'Fraid not, says Jazzman. There's a lighthouse. And a powder magazine..

Awesome, says Sweezus. What's the powder magazine?

I'll show you, says Jazzman. Wanna go now? It's more scary at night.

JASON! calls mum. Can't it wait until morning?

No mum! says Jazzman. We're going!  Go to sleep. I've got my own key.

Arthur thinks it must be nice to live in the country, with your mother and have your own key.

Sweezus does too.

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