Thursday, December 12, 2013

Magic Night

Jazzman takes them to Magazine Point, via sharp rocks. The sky is black and starry.

Powder Magazine, says Jazzman, pointing.

It's just an old broken down building, says Sweezus.

Yeah but it looks kinda scary, says Jazzman. What if it's haunted? Woohoo.

Is it? says Arthur. He hopes so.

Nah, says Jazzman. Not really. It's where they kept gunpowder stores in the old days.

My knees are bleeding, says Arthur. Wait a minute.

He sits down on an uncomfortable rock, and feels in his pocket for a bandage.

You all right? says Jazzman.

Yes, says Arthur. I'm used to it.

Sweezus looks up at the stars, of which there are many.

Woah! says Sweezus. You see heaps more stars in the country.

Jazzman looks up. Yeah, you do. Makes you think......

Think what? says Sweezus.

Stuff, says Jazzman. What's life all about? Why did I bother to study? What use is my MBA? Did you guys do any study?

Yeah, says Sweezus. I did a creative writing class. And Arthur reckons he was a whizz at school. He knows all the classics. It was back in the day when you did them. Plus he lived in France

Arthur is looking up at the stars feeling blood trickling down into his shoe. It's going to be sticky.

Give us a poem, says Jazzman.

Me? says Arthur. Why don't you?

Okay, says Jazzman. Don't laugh though:

The stars are like static they buzz in the sky
Electric and fizzing like a just zapped fly.

Wicked! says Sweezus. Let me try:

The stars shine down on the powder magazine
It glows in the ..... shit I can't finish it. What rhymes with magazine?

Paraffin? says Arthur.

In your dreams, says Jazzman.

Exactly, says Arthur.

The stars are scum on a black velvet ocean.
Paraffin twisting and circling in translucent rainbows
Promising endless desecrations
The powder magazine chokes on the rocks.

Sweezus and Jazzman are momentarily gob smacked.

Then : That's not a rhyme, says Jazzman.

Maybe in French, says Sweezus.

They all three lean back on the rocks and look up at the stars they have all attempted to capture.

The sea slurps and sucks.

The night is magic.

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