Friday, December 20, 2013

Responsibility And The Lure Of Red Snakes

Gaius wakes up from his dream of three billion year old rock microbes.

After a dream like that, you tend to see things in perspective.

But now, where is Arthur? And Sweezus?

There they are at the front of the bus. Standing up.

Gaius gets up and walks down the center aisle to the front of the bus where he gets a nasty surprise.

You! says Gaius. What are you doing here?

Magic, says Janice.

Nonsense, says Gaius. Arthur. Why is she here?

I don't know, says Arthur.

Oh yes you do, says Janice.You're the reason.

Woah! says Sweezus. Did she follow you?

The bus driver keeps his eyes on the road, but he is listening.

No, says Janice. But I took his advice. He said demons don't have to be old enough.

I think you will find that they do, says Gaius. This may be seen as a kidnap.

Toss-pot! says the demon, pulling her pixie hat over her nose.

I see no option but to call your mother, says Gaius. Much as I would like not to have to explain.....

He takes out his phone and calls Beverley.

Beverley answers.

Beverley, it's Gaius, says Gaius.

Oh really, says Beverley. You left in rather a hurry. You should have told me. I even called the police.

There was no need, says Gaius.

There were blood stains, says Beverley.

Not mine, says Gaius. One of my rescuers slipped on the biscuit your daughter threw over the side.

I trust you are not blaming my daughter, says Beverley.

Speaking of whom, says Gaius. Do you know where she is?

Of course I know where she is, says Beverley. On the bus to Adelaide to visit her dad for Christmas.

Good, says Gaius. That's all I needed to know.

What do you mean? says Beverley. Are you on the same bus? You and Arthur. And that Sweezus?

Yes, says Gaius. We are.

Then do me a favour, says Beverley. See she gets there.

Where? says Gaius. Where is she going?

The bus goes under some power lines, outside Dublin. The phone crackles and cuts out.

What did mum say? says Janice from under the pixie hat.

Gaius looks at Janice. He thinks he understands something. She didn't want him to wear her dad's pyjamas. That's human nature.

Don't worry, Janice, says Gaius. We shall see you get to your daddy's.

Bee-artch! says Janice. As if I'm going to dad's place. I'm travelling with Arthur.

Next stop Dublin, says the bus driver.

I'm getting off there, says Arthur.

Me too, says Janice. She scrunches up her packet of red snakes and drops it into her back pack.

Me too, says Sweezus. Where red snakes go, there go I.

Suit yourselves, says Gaius. To be honest, I'm glad to be relieved of the responsibility.

Screee! The bus stops at a road house.

Three people get off, two of whom ought to know better.

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