Saturday, December 21, 2013

Temptation In The Desert

The bus pulls away from the roadhouse in a blast of hot air.

Now what? says Sweezus.

Wait till this hot air blows away, says Arthur.

The demon pixie grins.

The hot air shows no sign of blowing anywhere.

It's a hot day in Dublin.

Let's go into the roadhouse, says Sweezus, and figure out what to do next.

They go into the roadhouse.

Welcome to Dublin! says the proprietor. Hot enough for you?...... You all right, little girl?

Janice has sat down on the floor.

Would you like a drink of water? asks the proprietor.

Yes, says Janice. We all would. We've only got stinky cabbage water.

Here you are, says the proprietor, bringing three glasses of water from the tap.

What brings you to Dublin? asks the proprietor. No one gets off the bus here.

A random act, already regretted, says Arthur.

Oho! says the proprietor. Not good enough for you? I suppose you think there's nothing to do.

What is there to do? asks Sweezus. I've heard there's this massive metal cockroach.....

Bad luck, says the proprietor. It's not here any more. They took it to Adelaide.

Awesome, says Sweezus. We're heading there.

Why'd you get off the bus then? asks the proprietor.

We wanted to walk, says Janice. Didn't we boys? We just decided. We do random things.

No we don't says Arthur. I do. You've just tagged along.

This reminds Sweezus of the reason he got off the bus. He bends down face to face with  Janice.

May I have a snake? he asks nicely.

No, says Janice. Everyone sucks.

Haha, laughs the proprietor. Little sisters!

I'm not his little sister, says Janice, glaring at the proprietor in what she thinks is a demon-like fashion.

Or his, she adds, pointing at Arthur. I hardly know them.

Well, well, says the proprietor, and how old are you, darling?

None of your beeswax, says Janice.

The proprietor looks enquiringly at Sweezus.

Sweezus is stumped. How is he to know how old she is?

Nine, says Arthur.

Janice is more than insulted. She is outraged. Nine! But wait. Perhaps Arthur is testing her.

She gives him a pitying look, and walks out of the door of the roadhouse, into the blistering heat.

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