Friday, December 27, 2013

Funny Riddles: Baboooommmm!

There follows a rustling of paper. Paper hats are now on.

Wonderful stuffing, Katherine, says Vello.

My mother used to make it, says Katherine. I have always liked sage and onion. Would you like some, Arthur?

No, thanks, says Arthur. I feel a bit strange.

It'll be those worms, says Katherine.

Not likely, says Big Janis. They're not that sort of worms. Gaius and I were just talking......

What happened to the cowboy who wore paper trousers? says Janice.

Pardon, dear? says Katherine.

It's a riddle, says Sweezus. I already know it. Does anyone else?

Intestinal worms, says Gaius, are best cured by wormwood.

Wormwood? says David. Do you drink it or what?

Artemisia absinthium, says Big Janis. You can drink it.

He got arrested for RUSTLING! cries Janice.

Ha ha ha! laughs Belle et Bonne. Good one Janice. Now try and  guess this one. What happened to the man who stole an Advent calendar?

Artemisia absinthium. Is that like absinthe? asks Arthur.

Oh yes, says Big Janis. Same stuff.

My favourite drink, says Arthur, wistfully. Me and Paul used to drink it and fight.

Janice makes a mental note, before pondering the riddle.

He got twenty five days! says Belle et Bonne.

No one gets it, for a moment. Then Janice remembers.

Yes! Like chocolates! One for each day.

Sort of, says Belle et Bonne. He went to prison for stealing.

Oh, says Janice, eyeing  the spatula. Could this happen to Arthur? No way.

This is jolly, says Vello. Who's for more Blue Cabbage Water?

I am, says Arthur. If there's no wormwood.

Wonderful stuff, says Gaius. Did you know wormwood, if worn under a cummerbund, prevents swelling of the groin?

Was that in your cracker? says Katherine. Because if it was......

I assure you, Katherine, it wasn't, says Gaius. My riddle is as yet unfurled. What do you call a monkey in a minefield? Oh ha ha! This is too funny! You'll never guess the answer..........Baboooommmm!

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