Sunday, December 8, 2013

Where Is Houdini The Great Escapologist?

It's late. Gaius has nowhere to go. This is not like the last time, when he was feted and offered hospitality.

He walks through the dark streets of Wallaroo.

What is this? His back pack feels damp, and heavier than usual.

He stops and sits down on a bench.

He hears the soft swoosh of the sea at the end of the street.

I know you're in there, says Gaius softly. My prize.

He waits for an answer, but none is forthcoming.


People are leaving the meeting. The Mayor has already disappeared.

Tch! says Brenda. Shouldn't we stay until someone finds Houdini?

No, says the barman. I'm closing. Night night.

Bandy picks up his cool bag. Woosh! Icy water pours out on the floor.

Aaach! cries Beverley. My sandals!

Sorry, says Bandy. Didn't know that was in there.

Coming over to my place? says Jazzman. I've got drinks in the fridge.

Yeah, cool, says Sweezus. Coming Arthur?

Yes, Arthur is coming.

Not you, says the barman to Bandy. You're helping me clean this wet floor.

Heh heh! says Snook. Let's know if you guys find Houdini.

The barman scowls, and closes the door.

Bandy goes to the cupboard, where a faint scuffling sound can be heard.


Sweezus, Arthur and Jazzman walk down the dark street toward Jazzman's.

Snook has already gone home.

They pass Brenda and Beverley, squelching in squishy wet sandals.

Night boys! says Brenda.

Better luck next time! says Beverley.

Beverley, says Brenda. What's that sticking out of your handbag?

Beverley peers down. Is it string?


Jazzman lives with his mother.

Jason!  says Jazzman's mother. You've brought friends home, how lovely! I was just cooking supper. You must all stay and have a good feed.

Awesome, says Sweezus. I'm starving.

Mum, hisses Jazzman, I thought you'd be in bed by this time.

No way, Jason, says Mum. I was watching the telly. Nelson Mandela just died. And Nigella Lawson is in terrible trouble. Geez, you wouldn't want to be famous.

Mum! says Jazzman.

Did he? says Sweezus.

Is she? says Arthur.

Arthur has never heard of Nigella, and is just being funny.

He wonders what Mum is cooking for supper. It smells peppery.

What're you cooking? says Jazzman.

Cuttlefish bolognese, says mum. Come into the kitchen. There's beer in the fridge. Help yourselves.

Sweezus looks heavenward. Sometimes things just fall in your lap.

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