Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Stage Eleven: Besançon to Oyannax - It's Your Day

A lot can happen on a Rest Day. And even more on the next day.

Arthur has recovered from his overdose of champagne, mustard and doob-loops. If anything he is riding even better.

There he goes now, in an early  breakaway, keen for some sprint points.

Unni drops back to be level with Sweezus.

Good on you,Unni, says Sweezus. Sorry about yesterday.

That's all right, says Unni. It all seemed so petty, after what happened to Ageless.

Yeah, says Sweezus. Where is he now?

Freud's got him somewhere, says Unni. I think he's trying hypnosis.

I thought Ageless was a goner, says Sweezus. Until he got that text back from Kobo.

How does she even text anyway? says Unni. Isn't she a clam?

Buggered if I know, says Sweezus. It's a mystery.

Maybe it's transubstantiation, suggests Unni.

Yeah, whatever that is, says Sweezus.

Unni thinks that Sweezus should know what that is.

They pedal on in companionable silence.


And where is Ageless? He is lying flat on a bench, being hypnotised.

Freud has persuaded the race officials to give Ageless an hour to get back on his bicycle, on the grounds that Ageless has shown extreme courage.

Look at this pencil, says Freud.

Ach! cries Ageless. You did have a pencil!

Calm down, says Freud. Think of Kobo. Think of her lovely reply.

Yes yes yes, says Ageless, calming down and becoming less yellow. What was it again? You will nnnever know how mmmmmuch or how lonnnnng i have loved and admmmired you.

You will keep that in mind, says Freud, in his hypnotising voice, somewhat singsong.

Yes yes yes, says Ageless. I will keep that always in mind. I would anyway.

And you will never eat mustard again, intones Freud.

Never never, says Ageless. I didn't mean to the first time.

Snap. Freud snaps his fingers. Ageless wakes up.

And Ageless gets back on his bike.


Ageless is like a new lobster. He soon catches up with Andrew Talansky, who is lagging.

Whee! whistles Ageless, riding past Andrew Talansky.

Ageless rides up to his team, Team Crustacean.

Whee! cries Ageless. I'll never eat mustard again.

That's very sensible, says Louttit.

Dommage!  says Louis-Claude. Rien n'est plus delicieux!

Wow! What good French!

Zoom! Ageless keeps going.

He draws level with Vello and Gaius. Vello still has a toothache. Ageless passes Vello and Gaius.

He passes Vincenzo Nibali. Let him keep his mustard-poo-yellow......

Tony Gallopin is up at the front, in the mountains, attacking repeatedly.

If it's your day, it's your day.

Even Ageless can't beat Tony Gallopin.

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