Tuesday, July 29, 2014

That's Everyone Disposed Of

The best thing about Le Tour being over is:

You are in Paris.

Why do they all want to leave?

Belle et Bonne, Sweezus, Arthur, Unni, Gaius, Vello, David, Schopenhauer, Ageless, Louttit, Louis-Claude, Freud and Baby Pierre are sitting at a table outside Les Deux Magots.

They all have their plans.

I'm meeting Marie in Barcelona, says Belle et Bonne. She wants a Mediterranean holiday

Marie! says Vello. Then who will look after the office?

I will! says Baby Pierre.

Very funny, says Ageless. Are you a philosopher?

I am an atheist and free thinker says Baby Pierre. Always was. Always will be. Ee! Ee!

Awesome! says Sweezus. He could do it!

No, he couldn't, says David. He is full of contradictions. A free thinker ought not ........

And in any case, says Freud. He is coming with me. He will be a great asset in my new business, Popup Paintball. The children all love him.

Geez! says Sweezus. You're so good at business. I forgot about mine. Except that night when I had that gruesome nightmare. I brought all these cool fliers with me. Still got all of 'em.

Why can't you and David look after the office, papa? asks Belle et Bonne. Aren't you going home either?

No, says Vello. David and I are also going to Barcelona. There's a meeting of Spanish philosophers.

Why haven't  I heard of it? asks Belle et Bonne.

There are not many of them, says David.

Meetings or Spanish philosophers? says Baby Pierre.

O he is a sharp one.

We are meeting with José Ortega y Gasset, says Vello. And it can't be postponed.

I should like to meet José Ortega y Gasset, says Schopenhauer. I would like to hear his views on natural history.

He has no views on natural history, says David. He is modern . He is into technology, as I seem to remember. But you are welcome to come along with us.

Yes, yes, you are, says Vello. The more philosophers the better.

Belle et Bonne tries not to look doubtful.

Count me out, says Gaius. I'm off to join Bush Blitz. Margaret told me about it. They seek out new and undescribed species. Like Arthur's spider.

That was a dream, says Arthur. A big orange hairy spider. In Tasmania. Found by a boy.

It was a prescient dream then, says Gaius. Such a spider was found in Tasmania by a boy. He was participating in Bush Blitz. You will like Bush Blitz, Arthur. And your new knife may turn out to be useful.

Actually, says Arthur, I'm thinking of going to Barcelona.

Awesome, says Sweezus. Barcelona'll be warm. I might join you. I've got heaps of cash left from ...err

That ghost written article in which you defamed me! says Schopenhauer.

Now then, says David. You have changed your philosophy. Don't deny it. You are quite the hedonist. Look how fussily you look after your pants.

Is anyone going to Tasmania? asks Louis-Claude. Je regrette, but that is my home.

I'm going in spring time, says Unni. When Dismal Swamp's open. Why not come back with me to Blaxland. Dad's congregation will love you.

Louis-Claude's day is made. To travel with Unni, who always reminds him of Rose!

There is still the problem of who will look after the office. Who is left? It may have to be...

Ageless, says Vello. I wonder...

Say no more, says Ageless. I will look after the office. It will be safe in my capable claws. I have plans already. There are more philosophers in the marine world than you may suppose.

Very true, says Captain Louttit, nodding sagely. I myself....

Ageless did not mean Captain Louttit, but he also nods sagely.

Vello and David are lulled into a sense of complacency, almost Spanish in nature.

That's everyone disposed of.


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