Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Stage Ten: Mulhouse to La Planche des Belles Filles - Dynamics

The sun is a golden onion shining on Mulhouse. A good riding day, this will be......

Team Crustacean rides gracefully, having eaten moricettes ( which are pretzels) for breakfast.

Sweezus is enjoying the glow of self-satisfaction which comes from acknowledging others.

Arthur is watching the road, unfurling below him. Phoooo! That's the noise that his wheels make.

Unni is riding steadfastly, in a masculine fashion.

Vello, Gaius and Schopenhauer have worked out how to Play Who Am I? properly.

Vello: Am I someone famous?

Schopenhauer: No. I don't think so.

Gaius: Yes, she is.

Vello: Aha! So I'm a girl then!

David and Belle are making food lists for tomorrow's picnic, and going online to check out Besançon for suitable stretches of grass.

Richie is humming a poem. How wide the world is. How close the trees to heaven.

Alberto is powering forward, his legs are like pistols. Rum, rum, rum, rum...

Andre Greipel is leading his team out. He doesn't need to. It's a gift. What a legend.

.....when down comes the rain.

Alberto goes down for a terrible slide of seventy metres. Crash! His bike splits in half. Crack! He breaks ( as we learn later ) his tibia.

Alberto waits while he gets his knee bandaged. He sits down on the grass and changes his shoes, calm as a Buddha. He gets back on his bicycle, and rides on, nobly.

But soon he is forced to abandon.


Now the race dynamics are altered.

Richie comes down from the clouds and starts pedaling boldly. No Alberto.

Vincenzo Nibali and Thibaut Pinot start to fly.

Team Crustacean are jolted out of their graceful activity. Rain seeps into their cracks.

Vello (who has guessed correctly that he is Angelina Jolie), says Come on men we're in with a chance now!

Unni, riding in front of Sweezus,  reaches into the back of her jersey and whips out a Power Bar.

Sweezus signals that he'd like a bite.

She ignores him, sinking her teeth into the Power Bar. Chomp!

Arthur thinks, That's it for her medal.

And Arthur is right.

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