Thursday, July 17, 2014

Stage Twelve: Bourg-en-Bresse to St Etienne - Destiny

Ho hum. Let us go to the finish line. It's in St Etienne.

No one is there yet, I mean, none of the riders.

The team managers stand in a bunch.

Belle et Bonne: I've been shopping.

David Hume: What did you buy? Let me guess. Jewellery.

Professor Freud: Ha ha! That shows more about you than her, David.

David Hume: Dear me, does it?

Belle et Bonne: It must do. Because I bought apples, and blueberries.

David Hume: I never could understand ladies.

Professor Freud: The secret is, let them do the talking.

Belle et Bonne: I hear Kobo did some pretty sweet talking. Ageless never looked better. We all thought he was knocking on death's door after eating my mustard.

Professor Freud: Yes indeed, although, ahem ...I probably shouldn't say it. No, forget I opened my mouth.

David Hume: You can't leave us in suspense. What is it? We won't pass it on.

Professor Freud: All right. Just don't tell Vello. He's a terrible gossip.

Belle et Bonne: Don't worry about him. He's got a tooth ache. That's all he thinks about.

David Hume: It won't help giving him apples and blueberries.

Belle et Bonne: Actually these are for Sweezie. I mustn't feed papa. I'm not his manager. You are.

David Hume: Should I be more concerned, do you think?

Professor Freud: Don't you want to know my secret?

Belle et Bonne: What secret? Oh yes! Tell us the secret.

Professor Freud: Well, remember the text message Ageless sent Kobo? It was from my phone. So she thought the text was from me.

Belle et Bonne: Oh no! Oh, how awful! And so when she replied how much she loved and admired you, it was you she meant and not Ageless.

Professor Freud: You must promise me you won't say a word.

David Hume: I don't quite understand it. I don't see why.... but then, I never get messages.

Belle et Bonne: Of course you do.

David Hume: No, no, I don't.

The first riders are appearing in St Etienne. Who are they? Is that ...Peter Sagan?

He so wants to win a stage.

But no, Norwegian Alexander Kristoff just beats Peter Sagan, and Peter Sagan comes second.

Skoda and smola! laments Peter Sagan, in Belle et Bonne's hearing. I seem destined to always come second.

Her heart melts for nice Peter Sagan. 

If the blueberries weren't already spoken for, she would give them to him. He is looking her way.

Maybe just one then.

Meanwhile, David, who is a logical thinker, is thinking: 

If  Kobo thought the message was from Freud, then Kobo believes Freud is dying.

Good reasoning David.  That is what she thinks.

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