Saturday, September 4, 2021

Not Julius Freezer

Terence is the first to see penguins. 

They are big ones, with orange cheek patches.

Bertille reads the sign: Manchots royaux.

That means they're king penguins, says Bertille. Hey! What's wrong with you?

Nothing, says Terence. But these penguins don't look very jokey.

Talk to them, says Bertille. You never know.

Terence edges closer to one of the penguins.


Haurrr! says the penguin royal.

My best friend is a penguin, says Terence.

Haurrr! says the penguin royal.

He's not a real penguin, says Terence.

The penguin royal turns away.

Haurrr! This kid's best friend is not a real penguin.

Wait! says Terence. He LOOKS like a penguin. And he knows penguin jokes. That's why I love him.

The penguin royal turns again. Penguin jokes. He knows a few.

Ice caps, says Terence.

What do we wear on our heads? says the penguin royal. 

Terence is captivated. The penguin royal knows the question!

Magnifique! An emperor penguin, says Jean-Claude, coming up behind Terence. 

No, says Gaius, coming up behind Jean-Claude. A king penguin.

Read the sign, dad, says Bertille. It's a penguin royal.

What are Emperor penguins called? asks the penguin royal.

What? asks Terence.

Julius Freezer, says the penguin royal.

Ha-ha-ha! laughs Gaius, doubling over with mirth at the classical reference.

The Head of Slugs looms up behind all of them.

No good jokes here, I bet, says the Head of Slugs.

He says he's called Julius Freezer! says Jean-Claude.

Not HIM! says Gaius. The Emperor penguin is called Julius Freezer.

These are not Emperor penguins, says the Head of Slugs.

We've established that, says Gaius. But the joke was quite funny.

I have a better one, says the penguin royal.

Spare us, says the Head of Slugs. Go back to your pool and practise your speed launching.

No, tell us! cries Terence.

How does a penguin build its house? asks the penguin royal.

How? asks Terence.

Igloos it together, says the penguin royal.

What with? asks Terence.

That was it, says the penguin royal. 

It turns to go back to the pool.

Terence looks confused.

Let me explain it, says Gaius.

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