Sunday, June 30, 2024

Stage 2: Cesenatico to Bologne - Funny Cheese

Another hot day. 

Romain Bardet is hoping to retain the yellow.

Sweezus is hoping, as usual, to win the polkadot jersey.

I have an idea, says Nicolo. But you may not like it.

Yeah what? asks Sweezus.

Mark Cavendish rolls by.

Those frogs, says Nicolo. They can be harnessed to work in our favour.

Mark Cavendish pedals off.

Frogs? Working in Team Condor's favour?

This is how rumours start.

Vello and David ride by.

Catch up, Gaius, calls Vello over his shoulder.

I'm trying, says Gaius.

We'll soon be at the feeding station, says David.

Good, says Gaius. I could use some sustenance.

He fiddles with his sock. A limp cabbage leaf flutters to the ground, and is picked up by an eager spectator.

Belle is at the feeding station with Terence and Sweetpea.
( Yes, Sweetpea has been found. He was admiring his lovely Cathedral from the outside)

Can I give out the musettes? asks Terence.

Not really, says Belle.  You're too low. So is Sweetpea.

What if we.....?

But it's too late for that now. Vello reaches out and grabs his musette from Belle's hand.

What's in it? A delicious piadina stuffed with cheese.

David  and Gaius have the same.

What kind of cheese is this? asks Gaius.

Squacquerone, says David. 

Ha ha, laughs Gaius.

But it's not funny. The cheese is squacquarone. 

Tadej Pogacar speeds by.

There are three frogs, behind me, says Tadej. 

Fear not, says Vello. They are only here to give pause to Baby Pierre.

Enjoy your squacquarone, says Tadej, shooting off.

He's got a good nose, says David.

He has. And to top it off, he will end the day in the yellow jersey.

But what is happening up front?

After going twice up San Luca, (and twice down) Kevin Vauquelin has won the stage by 36 seconds.

Another Frenchman.

And second is Jonas Abrahamson, a Norwegian, in his polkadot jersey.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Stage 1: Florence to Rimini - Hotness

 It's quite a hot day.

The teams ride through Florence, past the famous buildings.

Not racing until they get to the countryside.

There goes Team Philosphe.

Vello is giving Gaius a lecture. 

What is he saying? We can't tell.

There goes Team Condor, with their new rider, Nicolo.

They seem to be deep in discussion.

There goes Team Astana.  Cavendish looks okay. Or does he?

Boom! they reach the countryside and a breakaway forms. 

We knew that would happen.

The peloton sticks together.

It gets hotter and hotter.

Cavendish is feeling sweaty, and worse. He drops off the back of the peloton. Several team members stick with him.

Road, trees, trees, road, more trees, and seven categorised climbs....

Why do they do it?

Why do we do it? asks David.

For the drama, says Vello. But I had not expected the drama to happen so soon.

It's no drama, says Gaius. I'll use a cold compress this evening. And cabbage leaves if I can find them.

Tch! says Vello. You and your cabbage leaves.

Frog alert! says David. Behind us!

Vello and Gaius look behind them.

Team Pobblebonk is zooming between the myriad wheels of the peloton.

Watch out in front! cries David. 

Riders are wobbling.

Including Team Condor. 

That was a good call, says Nicolo.

What was? asks Sweezus.

Watch out in front, says Nicolo.

Yeah I guess so, says Sweezus. David did us a favour.

Those frogs are a wild card, says Nicolo.

They were supposed to give Baby Pierre more responsibility, says Arthur.

But it looks like they've gone their own way, says Sweezus.

Perhaps we can make use of them, says Nicolo.

Yeah, says Sweezus. But right now I'd kill for an ice pack.

Frank Van der Brock rockets past with an ice pack shoved down the back of his jumper.

Romain Bardet follows close behind him, with the same.

Fuck, says Sweezus. What we need is ....

What they need is Belle, with three ice packs. Where is she?

She is still back in Florence, with Terence.

Not Sweetpea?

No, Sweetpea is lost.

And so Romain Bardet and Frank Van der Brock come first and second.

Not just for that reason.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Pious Like A Pie


Sweezus and Arthur wait outside the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, with Terence.

They are waiting for Nicolo.

Nicolo appears. dressed in black. He has a pointy beard and a knowing expression.

Nicolo? asks Sweezus. 

They have not met before.

Si, says Nicolo. You are Sweezus, I know. And you are Arthur. And who is the infant?

Terence, says Terence. I'm meeting my cousin.

Yeah, says Sweezus. Sorry. We just have to take him inside.

No problem, says Nicolo. It is always good to seem pious.

Like a pie? asks Terence.

No, not like a pie, says Nicolo. Let us go in.

They enter the cathedral.

Terence runs up to the Madonna and child.

Terence! says the Madonna. I recognised you at once by your gecko shorts. How is your mother?

Terence tries to remember.

Stiff, says Terence.

Aren't we all? sighs the Madonna. 

I came to say hello to Sweetpea, says Terence.

Buon giorno, Terence, says his cousin.

Guess what! says Terence. The Tour de France is starting here, and I've got a frog team and I'm the manager.

Woop! Lucky you, says Sweetpea. 

Why are you giving me the finger? asks Terence.

I give everyone the finger, says Sweetpea. It's my job. Who are those guys?

Hush, Sweetpea, that's Sweezus, whispers the Madonna.

Buon giorno, Madonna, says Sweezus. We just got here. Nice day.

Will you be racing? asks the Madonna.

Yep, says Sweezus. And this is Nicolo, our new guy.

Ha! No need to introduce Machiavelli, says the Madonna. 

Shit, says Sweezus, turning to Nicolo. 


Nicolo shrugs. Yes, so what? 

Can Sweetpea come and watch my frog team? asks Terence.

Sweetpea looks hopeful.

Belle would look after him, says Sweezus. 

The Madonna is torn. She has never been parted from Sweetpea.

On the other hand, it would be liberating.

Okay, says the Madonna.

Yay! Joyfully Sweetpea jumps down.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

That's The Beauty Of Me

Are we there yet? asks Terence.

Not yet, says Belle. We're in Singapore airport. Next we fly on to Zurich.

Then are we there? asks Terence.

Not quite, says Belle, but from there it's a short hop to Florence.

Can we look at my frog team? asks Terence.

Sure we can, says Belle. Let's ask Sweezus to open the box.

Sweezus stops eating his sushi and opens the box.

The frog team are lying flat on their backs, not moving. 

Baby Pierre has been observing.

Are we there yet? asks Baby Pierre.

No, says Terence. We haven't even got to the Zoo.

Zu-rich, says Belle. What's up with the frog team?

They're meditating, says Baby Pierre. Okay guys, you can stop now.

The frog team open their eyes.

You frogs must be hungry, says Belle. Is there anything we can get you?

Spiders, says Spider-bonk. Or flies.

How about seaweed? asks Belle.

That will do, says Baby Pierre. At least it's nutritious.

I'll find them some flies, says Terence. At the window!

He runs to a window nearby.

Sure enough, there are flies at the window, trying to get out of the airport.

But they're quick movers. Terence can't catch them. 

So the frog team has to eat seaweed that was once wrapped around rice and raw tuna.

And then they are closed in the box again with their captain.

Because it's time to board the flight for Zurich.

It is dark in the box.

The air smells of tuna.

This is unbearable, says Baby Pierre. Try to slow down your breathing.

Why should we? ask the frog team. We can't smell anything. You should have had some.

I don't need to eat, says Baby Pierre That's the beauty of me.

The captain doesn't need to eat! Yet his team does!

The frog team worry about this, all the way to Zurich.

And again, on the short hop to Florence.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Next morning, Team Condor and Team Philosophe meet at the airport.

Gaius is limping.

Injury, Gaius? asks Vello.

Nothing a long flight won't fix, says Gaius.

Baby Pierre's team crashed into his ankle, says Terence.

Starting early, says David.

Ha ha! laughs Gaius.

But his ankle does hurt.

Where is Baby Pierre? asks Vello. Is he traveling with us?

Kind of, says Sweezus. He's in this substantial box with his team.

What about their bicycles? asks David.

In the box, says Sweezus.

Rattling about unrestrained? asks Vello.

He reckons they can practice tight moves when they're in it, says Sweezus.

I said they could, says Terence. I'm the manager.

Terence and Baby Pierre came to an agreement, says Gaius. One is the captain and one is the manager.

I wish we could afford such luxuries, says Vello.

I thought Belle was coming? says Arthur.

She's here somewhere, says Vello. She went off to buy snacks.

Great, says Arthur. I missed out on breakfast.

Me too, says Sweezus.

Unwise, says David. 

Belle returns with a paper bag full of muffins.

Chocolate, blueberry, cranberry, lemon and caramel, says Belle. Two of each

Arthur takes a chocolate and a blueberry. Sweezus takes a caramel and a lemon.

Time to begin the first leg of the journey. A short Virgin flight to Melbourne.

They get on.

The short flight to Melbourne is soon over.

They get off. 

Now for the long Qantas flight to Singapore.

Soon everyone is settled, including the frog team and their captain, in the substantial box in an overhead locker.

Peace at last, says Spider-bonk. What just happened? 

Probably turbulence, says Baby Pierre. 

We didn't like it, says Insect-bonk.

Take a lesson from me, says Baby Pierre. I'm a free thinker.

What's that? asks Worm-bonk.

Someone who thinks for himself, says Baby Pierre. 

How is that a lesson for us? asks Spider-bonk.

I'm about to tell you, says Baby Pierre.

Wait, says Insect-bonk. Maybe we don't need to listen.

I'm your captain, says Baby Pierre Of course you need to listen.

Okay, says Worm-bonk. We'll listen.

But Baby Pierre has now realised the flaw in his lesson.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

In-House Collisions

Sweezus and Arthur are cycling towards the city.

Good to be back? asks Sweezus.

 Albeit briefly, says Arthur.

We fly out tomorrow, says Sweezus.

I know, says Arthur. What's happening with the new guy?

Nicolo? says Sweezus. Yeah. The cool thing is, he lives in Florence.

So we don't have to pay to fly him over, says Arthur.

No, we don't, says Sweezus. And the boss has to shell out for Gaius.

And Terence, says Arthur. And his frog team.

Not the frog team, says Sweezus. That's Baby Pierre's problem.

Baby Pierre doesn't have money, says Arthur.

But he always gets there, says Sweezus. 

As if to demonstrate this, the frog team zooms by, followed by Baby Pierre, their captain.

In and out of the traffic, doubling back, u-turning and slickly resuming their journey.

Those frogs look too big for their bikes, says Sweezus.

Arthur agrees that they do look top-heavy.

Gaius has returned to his house with Terence and the Kroombit tinker.

He opens the front door.

Ring ring. It's his mobile.

Gaius, says Vello. Are you home yet?

Yes, says Gaius, I've just got here. Looking forward to doing some washing, and re-reading my notes. And then I must check on my garden.

We fly out tomorrow says Vello. Make sure your bicycle is flat-packed.

Certainly, says Gaius. Tomorrow? What time?

Ten past nine, says Vello. I assume you've been keeping fit?

As always, says Gaius.

Zoom! Thump-thump-thump! He is hit from behind by three tiny bicycles.

Attention, men! cries a fourth rider. No collisions inside the house!

Jumping Jupiter! says Gaius. My ankle!

He hops about, clutching his ankle.

What's happened? asks Vello. 

Nothing, says Gaius. See you at the airport tomorrow.

Yay! cries Terence, running up the passage from the kitchen where he has been showing the Kroombit tinker Baby Pierre's spot on the window sill, next to a pot plant.

My frog team is here!

MY frog team, says Baby Pierre.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Wobble Wobble Zip

The plane lands in Adelaide.

Are we here? asks Terence.

Yes, says Nerida. 

Arthur lifts the substantial box down from the overhead locker.

Everyone shuffles towards the front of the plane.

I wonder if anyone'll be waiting to meet us, says Katherine.

My dad will, says Nerida.

Sure enough, her dad is waiting.

Welcome home, says her dad. How was it?

Good, says Nerida. We found a few Kroombit tinkers. We even got interviews. 

Well done, says dad.

Indeed, says Gaius. Nerida was most helpful. I promoted her to senior assistant when Arthur went missing.

He went missing? says dad. But I can see him.

He came back, says Nerida.

He ate Freddy! says Terence.

Freddy being? asks dad.

Long story, says Nerida. I'll tell you on the way home.

Nerida and her dad head for the exit.

Hey, guys! says Sweezus, appearing suddenly.

Hey, says Arthur. Did you bring my bike?

Yeah, says Sweezus. We can ride back to my place together.

Arthur hands Gaius the substantial box.

What's that? asks Sweezus.

Terence's frog team, says Arthur.

Cool, says Sweezus. Baby Pierre's here to meet them. 

Where is he? asks Gaius. 

There he is! cries Terence.

Baby Pierre zooms though domestic arrivals on his tiny bicycle with green o-rings for wheels.

Skreech! He skids to a halt.

Where are they? asks Baby Pierre.

Gaius opens the box.

The frog team and the Kroombit tinker are dazzled.

Urr! Where are we?

Here! says Terence. And your  captain came to meet you.

The frog team straightens up. Their captain! Where is he?

Baby Pierre looks into the box.

Get out you guys, and follow me.

The pobblebonks leap out. The Kroombit tinker lingers.

I'll let them get acquainted, says the Kroombit tinker.

Baby Pierre has remounted his bike, and is leading the pobblebonks towards the air bridge to the car park.

Err.... says Gaius. Should we allow this?

He's brought their new bikes, says Sweezus. They're in the car park.

Then what? asks Terence.

He'll be checking out how good they are, says Sweezus.

What if they aren't any good? asks Terence.

They'll be good, says the Krombit tinker. I made them air-pedal all the way from Brisbane.

I meant the bikes, says Terence.

Baby Pierre is showing the pobblebonks their new bikes.

Get on, says Baby Pierre.

They're smaller than we expected, says Spider-bonk.

You're bigger than I expected, says Baby Pierre.

Nevertheless they get on and push off. 

Wobble wobble.

They soon find their balance.

They zip down the car ramp.

Super! All the air-pedalling they did on the incoming journey has paid off!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

What Every Frog Knows

Has anyone thought of a riddle? asks Spider-bonk.

Not yet, says Worm-bonk.

What IS a riddle? asks Insect-bonk.

Don't you know? says the Kroombit tinker. A riddle is a what-am-I.

Give us an example, says Spider-bonk.

I have eight legs, says the Kroombit tinker. What am I?

A liar, says Spider-bonk.

Ha ha, laughs Insect-bonk. That was funny.

It's not the right answer, says the Kroombit tinker. 

So what's the right answer? asks Worm-bonk.

A spider! says the Kroombit tinker. I thought you'd have guessed.

But you said 'what am I? says Spider-bonk.

That's the standard form for a riddle, says the Kroombit tinker. But I could have put it this way: It has eight legs. What is it?

Could be anything, says Insect-bonk.

Anything with eight legs, says the Kroombit tinker. 

Is it a spider again? asks Spider-bonk.

It is, says the Kroombit tinker. I'll admit my example was lame. How about you try?

I have two legs, says Spider-bonk. What am I?

You've made your riddle too hard, says the Kroombit tinker. Do you have other qualities?

Yes, says Spider-bonk. If not I'd be nothing but legs.

A frog! guesses Insect-bonk.

Correct, says Spider-bonk. Now it's your turn.

Insect-bonk has had time to think of a tricky one.

One third of me is inside me, says Insect-bonk. What am I?

The other frogs stop air-pedalling.

This one is hard.

We give up, says Worm-bonk.

A bee, says Insect-bonk. Remember that time when we shared one?

That's not fair, says Spider-bonk. There were two mes in the question. Only one was a bee.

Four mes, actually, says the Kroombit tinker. You three, and the bee. Not me though. I caught my own fly.

This gives Worm-bonk an idea.

I have wings and I'm inside you, says Worm-bonk. What am I?

But his riddle is not nearly so clever. 

Everyone knows it's a fly.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Thinking Up Riddles

Is this on Instagram? asks someone.

No, says Nerida. We're just feeding the frogs.

It should be, says another person.

She takes out her phone.

We have to go now, says Nerida. Our flight's leaving soon.

Are they performing frogs? asks another person. 

No, says Nerida. These frogs are dedicated to science.


The crowd melts away.

Nerida and Terence return to Pie Face with the frogs.

Just in time, says Katherine. Our flight's been announced. We should go to the boarding gate.

They all go to the boarding gate.

Show their boarding passes. 

And get on the plane.

We heard you'd been given a more substantial box, says a flight attendant.

Yes, says Gaius. But the specimens prefer the sick bag.

I'm sorry sir, says the flight attendant, but this is a longer flight. Your specimens need to travel in the box you were given. And we were led to believe they were dead. How can they prefer a sick bag?

Dead? says Gaius. 

Arthur gives him a nudge.

Well yes, of course, says Gaius. I sometimes identify with my specimens, being a natural historian.

Dead ones? asks the flight attendant.

Yes, says Katherine. Dead ones. Are we holding things up?

Enjoy your flight, says the flight attendant.

Phew! says Nerida. That was a close one.

Why? asks Terence.

The frogs are supposed to be dead, says Nerida. Otherwise there'd be quarantine and paperwork and all that stuff.

Phew! says Terence.

They find their seats. The plane takes off for Adelaide.

Terence is sitting in between Arthur and Nerida.

Gaius is sitting with Katherine.

The frog team and the Kroombit tinker are in the substantial box in the overhead locker.

Lucky we've eaten, thinks the Kroombit tinker. But this flight will be long. I should organise something to keep the team's spirits up...

Right boys, says the Kroombit tinker. I want you to think up some riddles. While you're thinking, you can lie on your backs and air-cycle. It's good for your legs.

Spider-bonk, Insect-bonk and Worm-bonk are happy to follow these instructions.

They lie on their backs in the dark, air-cycling and thinking up riddles.

Friday, June 21, 2024

A Third Of A Bee

Brisbane airport.

Two hours before the flight back to Adelaide.

Gaius, Katherine, Arthur, Nerida and Terence are at a table belonging to Pie Face.

You promised! says Terence.

We were joking, says Nerida. There are no spiders, insects or worms in an airport.

One would hope, says Katherine.

But my frog team is STARVING! says Terence.

Nerida finishes her pie.

All right. Let's go looking, says Nerida.

Bring the frog team, says Terence.

Can we? asks Nerida.

Be my guest, says Gaius. handing her the sick bag in which he's been keeping the frog team.

Nerida and Terence go off to look for spiders, insects or worms.

I should think worms are the least likely says Katherine.

Flies are a good possiblity, says Gaius.

Are you going to finish that pie? asks Arthur.

Yes, says Gaius. I stopped eating it because I suspected the red blob was tomato, but it isn't.

What is it? asks Katherine.

Red capsicum, says Gaius.

They look at the clock.

Plenty of time, says Katherine.

Nerida is good at finding spiders and insects. She knows where they might be.

Windowsill corners, says Nerida.

They head for the large airport windows.

 Sure enough in the corners are several dead insects. 

What do you think? asks Nerida. Only thing is, they might have been sprayed.

Let's ask the frog team, says Terence.

Nerida opens the sick bag.

The frog team and the Kroombit tinker hop out.

We're STARVING! says Spider-bonk.

Do you want to eat these? asks Terence.

What are they? asks Insect-bonk.

Dead insects, says Nerida. You could eat them, but it's up to you really.

We only like fresh insects, says Worm-bonk.

But then, a large bee buzzes up against the window.

On the inside!

Spider-bonk pounces.

Hey! says Insect-bonk. How about sharing?

Okay, says Spider-bonk. 

He has already eaten one third of the bee,

What about me? asks the Kroombit tinker. You should only have eaten a quarter.

Sorry, says Spider-bonk.

Look! Is that a fly? says Nerida. 

It's yours, Kroombit tinker, says Worm-bonk.

The Kroombit tinker cleverly catches the fly.

Unfortunately a small crowd has now gathered.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Acting Stiffly

The flight attendant returns, with a better box than the bento box.

This box is more substantial, says the flight attendant. I'll just put it up here in the overhead locker.

She does that, and goes off to interfere somewhere else.

Get them down! says Terence.

Arthur stands up and gets the substantial box down.

He opens it.

O no!

The pobblebonks and the Kroombit tinker look like frogs who have died.

They've died! cries Terence. I knew it!

We haven't died, says the Kroombit tinker, opening her eyes.

Spider-bonk, Insect-bonk and Worm-bonk sit up warily.

That was a close one, says Spider-bonk. We had to pretend that we'd died.

She took us out of the bento box, one by one, says Insect-bonk.

And we had to act stiffly, says Worm-bonk.

Well done, says Nerida. You must have all fooled her.

The pobblebonks and the Kroombit tinker look pleased.

Now we need some exercise, says Spider-bonk.

And before Arthur can stop them they jump out of the substantial box and disappear under the seats.

Yikes! says Nerida. Now what?

I'll close the box and put it back in the overhead locker, says Arthur.

What sort of plan is that? asks Nerida.

I'll find them! says Terence.

He jumps down from his seat and makes his way, commando-style, under the seat in front of him.

Terence is so cute, says Nerida. I'm going to miss him.

He'll be back, says Arthur.

I meant when we get back to Adelaide, says Nerida. And you all go to Florence.

You can watch the Tour de France on tv, says Arthur. You might see him.

As if! says Nerida. 

Terence crawls back.

Gaius caught them, says Terence. He's keeping them in the mesh pocket in front of his seat.

Won't the flight attendant see them? asks Nerida.

They're inside the sick bag, says Terence.

Even the tinker? asks Terence.

Yes, says Terence. And guess what?

What? asks Nerida.

We're nearly in Brisbane! And then.... guess what?

What? asks Nerida.

THEN we have to fly back to Adelaide, says Terence, and that's even longer.

We knew that, says Arthur. The substantial box will come in useful.

They don't like it, says Terence.

We'll find them some nice food in the Brisbane airport, says Nerida.

Spiders, insects or worms? says Arthur.

Whichever, says Nerida.

Terence has a bad feeling that they might be joking.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Dead Specimens Don't Laugh

On the short flight from Gladstone to Brisbane, Gaius sits next to Katherine.

Notice anything? asks Gaius.

Only how sympathetic the flight crew seem, says Katherine. You'd think someone had died.

It's happened before, says Gaius. You don't suppose Arthur has anything to do with it?

I wouldn't put it past him, says Katherine.

Arthur is sitting with Nerida and Terence.

I wish I was going to Florence with you guys, says Nerida.

It's not that good, says Arthur. We fly in, stay in a hotel, race and fly out again.

Yes but the beauty, says Nerida. The lovely old buildings.

Yes, says Terence. There'll be a palace. I'll probably meet one of my cousins.

He means a cathedral, says Arthur,

Who are his cousins? asks Nerida.

The baby Jesuses, says Arthur. 

Like Baldy and Curly, says Terence. But we're not actually babies. 

Wow! says Nerida. How cool is that? Do you know if you have a cousin in Florence?

No, says Terence.

Bonk-bonk! A noise emanates from the bento box, on the floor.

Shut up! says Terence.

He slips out of his seat and opens the bento box.

Remember what Arthur said? says Terence.

Sorry, we couldn't help laughing, says Spider-bonk.

Do you really have a cousin called Baldy? asks Insect-bonk.

Ha ha! laughs Worm-bonk.

Yes, says Terence. And one called Fatty.

The pobblebonks laugh even louder.

The Kroombit tinker glares at them.

They stop laughing.

We're traveling as specimens, says the Kroombit tinker. Dead ones. Dead specimens don't laugh.

That's right, says Terence.

A flight attendant comes by.

Everything all right sir?

Yes, says Arthur. The specimen box got kicked open.

Would you like me to put it in the overhead locker? asks the flight attendant.

That would be helpful, says Arthur. I'll close it.

He closes the bento box, and hands it to the flight attendant.

I think we can do better than a bento box, says the flight attendant. 

She whisks the bento box away, to the front of the plane.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Green Friendship

Next mornng early.

Gaius wakes up.

Curses! What about tickets?

He heads for the 4WD vehicle to wake Arthur.

Whaa..? says Arthur.

We need to book our flights back to Adelaide, says Gaius. Today if possible.

You mean I need to, says Arthur.

That would be helpful, says Gaius.

Okay, says Arthur. You pack up my tent, I'll get onto it.

He calls Virgin Customer Service.

And waits on hold for a real person.

Gaius goes back to the tents.

Wake up everyone, we're leaving for Gladstone.

What about breakfast? asks Katherine.

Are there any leftovers? asks Gaius.

Only the pizza, says Katherine.

But no one wants cold pineapple pizza, without chilli prawns.

Let's eat breakfast in Gladstone, says Nerida.

A good plan. They start packing.

Terence has already dismantled his tent.

Well done Terence, says Katherine. How did you know what to do?

Pull everything out of its hole, says Terence. Easy peasy.

Where are the pobblebonks? asks Katherine.

Oops, says Terence. They might still be inside.

They aren't, says the Kroombit tinker. I sent them off to wait beside the 4WD vehicle, in an orderly line.

I thought so, says Terence.

The pobblebonks are excited, in their orderly line. The big adventure is starting.

 They can hear Arthur talking, on his phone.

Yes that's right, later this morning if possible.... Great. Thanks.

Arthur jumps down from the driver's seat of the 4WD vehicle.

We're booked on a flight back to Adelaide at midday, says Arthur.

Well done Arthur, says Gaius. What about the frogs?

No problem, says Arthur. As long as they travel as specimens.

So, in a box, says Gaius.

The pizza box? says Terence.

Not the pizza box! cry the pobblebonks. 

The bento box, says Katherine. Although, it might smell a bit fishy.

I'll wash it, says Nerida.

She takes it down to the creek to rinse away the fishy smell.

She gazes into the water.

Goodbye Kroombit tops.

She drops a green friendship bead into the water.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Unforgettable Names

The Kroombit tinker gives the pobblebonks a lecture.

We frogs eat spiders, insects and worms, says the Kroombit tinker. Not pizza toppings.

There were no spiders, insects or worms on the pizza, says one of the pobblebonks.

I should think not, says Katherine.

The prawns looked like frog food, says the pobblebonk.

Didn't you think something was wrong when you tasted the chilli? asks the Kroombit tinker.

No, says the pobblebonk. 

Never mind, says the Kroombit tinker. What have you learned from this episode?

Eat spiders, insects and worms, says the pobblebink.

Spiders, insects and worms, say the other two pobblebonks.

Very good, boys, says the Kroombit tinker.

You're a good mother, says Greedy.

Thank you, Greedy, says the Kroombit tinker.

Now we should all turn in, says Gaius. We leave in the morning for Gladstone. From there we shall devise an itinerary.

What's an itinerary? asks Terence.

Where we're going, says Nerida. I'm going home. I've missed heaps of school.

Where am I going? asks Terence.

To Adelaide, with us, says Katherine. Then to Florence, with ....who will Terence be going with?

Me, I suppose, says Gaius. Terence may be responsible for the pobblebonks, but I'm responsible for the Kroombit tinker.

And me, says Greedy. I'm the other house mother.

It is not in that capacity that I feel responsible for the Kroombit tinker, says Gaius.

You don't have to come, Greedy, says Terence.

You're coming, Greedy, says the Kroombit tinker. I'll be responsible for you.

And us, say the pobblebonks.

No, I am, says Terence.

She jumped on our backs and made us spew out the prawns, says a pobblebonk.

But I'm in charge, says Terence. What have you learned from this lesson?

Spiders, insects and worms, say the pobblebonks.

Correct, says Terence. And guess what else? 

What? ask the pobblebonks.

You're going to have your own names, says Terence. So you don't get mixed up.

A good idea, says the Kroombit tinker.

Can we choose them? ask the pobblebonks.

Okay, says Terence.

Spider, says the first pobblebonk.

Insect, says the second

Worm, says the third.

Those are confusing names for a frog team, says Nerida. Why don't you add something like pobble?

Or bonk, suggests Arthur. 

Spider-bonk, Insect-bonk and Worm-bonk, laughs Katherine. 

Unforgettable names.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Not These Mothers!

We thought we'd like prawns, says one of the pobblebonks.

But now we know better, says another.

We're sorry, says a third.

You should be, says Katherine. You have ruined the pizza. Please get off.

The three pobblebonks crawl off the pizza, and into the pizza box corners.

Katherine lifts out the pizza.

Basically, says Katherine, this is now just a pineapple pizza.

With the usual tomato-smeared base, I suppose, says Gaius.

Well, yes, says Katherine. So you won't want any.

No, thanks, says Gaius, I'll try a kebab.

I'll have a gozleme, says Nerida. Is it spinach and feta? I love them!

And I'll have the domburi, says Katherine. I hope you didn't mind us going into Gladstone for takeaway?

Not at all, says Gaius. It gave Nerida and me time to get my notes sorted.

He munches his kebab.

Any leftovers? asks Arthur, who is still hungry. 

It's a while since he ate the kung po.

Plenty, says Katherine. Go for it.

Arthur takes a full bento box, and picks out the seaweed.

Perhaps the pobblebonks would like that, says Katherine.

Arthur drops the seaweed into the pizza box.

They look really green, says Arthur.

They are strands of seaweed says Gaius. Green is their natural colour.

I mean the frogs, says Arthur. Aren't they supposed to be brown?

Why, yes! says Gaius. Did you say they were chilli prawns, Katherine?

They were chilli prawns, says Katherine.

The chilli must not have agreed with them, says Gaius.

It's their own fault, says Katherine. 

What happened? asks Terence.

Your pobblebonks have tummyaches, says Gaius. 

Let me see! says Terence.

He looks into the pizza box.

His frog team do not look like winners.

You have to get better! says Terence.

That's my job, says the Kroombit tinker. I'm their house mother.

And me! says Greedy. I'm also their house mother.

Mothers don't know how to do anything, says Terence, thinking of the Virgin. They just sit and look sad.

Not these mothers, says the Kroombit tinker.

She jumps into the pizza box, watched by Greedy.

Go away! cry the pobblebonks. We feel poorly!

Roll over, says the Kroombit tinker. You'll soon feel better

They roll over, hoping to feel better.

She pumps their backs one after the other.

Bluuurt! out spew more half chewed chilli prawns than anyone might have expected.

And the pobblebonks feel better.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Guzzling Prawns

The singalong has ended.

Greedy and the Kroombit tinker watch Gaius and Nerida working on Gaius's notes.

A long interview, by the looks, observes Greedy.

Intensive, says the Kroombit tinker. My friends opened up.

What about? asks Greedy.

Not fitting in, says the Kroombit tinker. We became frogs in Currumbin, and we nurse a certain nostalgia..

I can understand that, says Greedy. I too nurse a certain nostalgia.

What for? asks the Kroombit tinker.

The rubber glove factory, says Greedy. All the gloves were full of hope then.

But you have learned to speak and even performed in a play, says the Kroombit tinker.

Look at me, says Greedy. These white spots, for example. I don't think I'll last much longer

Courage! says the Kroombit tinker. Are you coming to Florence?

Is it up to me? asks Greedy. What use am I to anyone?

I'm going as house mother to the pobblebonks, says the Kroombit tinker. You could assist me.

Will there be rules? asks Greedy.

O yes, says the Kroombit tinker.

Vroooom! The 4WD vehicle has returned. Terence is the first to get out.

Guess what? says Terence. We got four kinds of takeaway!

Great! says Nerida. What are they?

Pizza, kebabs and ichimaki says Terence.

That's three, says Gaius. And what is ichimaki?

Kung po, saysTerence, but Arthur already ate it.

So what's left? asks Nerida.

Katherine comes over with three slightly warm aromatic boxes.

Chilli prawn and pineapple pizza, says Katherine. Kebabs and gozleme, sushi, bento and don.

Greedy! says Terence, noticing Greedy. Where have you been?

Trapped. Where have you been? asks Greedy. 

To get food, says Terence. And before that I was here. And before that ....guess what?

What? asks Greedy.

I won the pobblebonk's three best children in the blessing competition, says Terence. And they're going to be in Baby Pierre's team, because Baby Pierre said they could.

Where are they now? asks Greedy.

I don't know, says Terence. Katherine, where's my frog team?

I don't know, says Katherine. I hope we didn't leave them in Gladstone.

She starts to open the boxes.

First the pizza box. 

Goodness me! says Katherine. 

Terence's pobblebonks have helped themselves to the pizza, guzzling every last one of the prawns.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Plaintive Harmonies

They've all gone! says Nerida. Even Katherine!

There must be some explanation, says Gaius.

Nerida looks for a note, and finds one.

'Gone to Gladstone for takeaway, back in three hours'.

Does it mention from when? asks Gaius.

No, says Nerida. It just says three hours. The takeaway will be cold by the time we get it.

Assuming we get it, says Gaius.

I'm sure we'll get it, says Nerida. And it must be less than three hours away.

Meanwhile let us console ourselves with an apple, says Gaius. How fortunate that the supplies are in Arthur's tent and not in the vehicle.

Yes, agrees Nerida.

She goes to Arthur's tent.

'Help me!' says a faint voice from behind the apples.

Ooh! says Nerida. Who's that?

Me, says Greedy. 

Greedy! says Nerida. Are you okay?

Not really, says Greedy. Three of my fingers are trapped under the apples.

Nerida lifts up the bag, and frees Greedy.

Why didn't you call out before? asks Nerida.

You were all singing, says Greedy.

What about when Arthur came in to get apples? says Nerida. Didn't you call out then?

No, says Greedy. By then I had probably fainted.

When did you come to your senses? asks Nerida. 

When I heard the vehicle drive off, says Greedy. It was loud. The ground shook.

Gosh, says Nerida. I don't suppose you happened to notice what time it was?

Let me think, says Greedy. What time is it now?

Half past six, says Nerida.

It was half past five, in that case, says Greedy. 

Great, says Nerida. They'll be back in two hours with the takeaway.

So who's here? asks Greedy. Just you?

Gaius and me, and the Kroombit tinker, says Nerida.

A small group, says Greedy. How about we have our own singalong?

Gaius is writing his notes, says Nerida. And I'm helping. 

I could help too, says Greedy.

Come on then, says Nerida.

She takes two apples and Greedy to where Gaius is rummaging in his back pack, watched by the Kroombit tinker.

Lost your pencil? asks Nerida. 

No. Found it! says Gaius. 

He takes an apple.

Ah! I see you found Greedy!

Yes, says Greedy. I was in Arthur's tent, under the apples.

Her fingers were trapped, says Nerida.

How unfortunate, says Gaius. 

The others left at five thirty, says Greedy. 

So, two hours to go, says Gaius. Plenty of time to get these notes into some sort of order.

Okay, says Nerida. Greedy, you sit here with the tinker.

She puts Greedy down, next to the tinker.

Soon the air is filled with the plaintive harmonies of The Long and Winding Road.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Pings Dings And Gauges

Gaius continues his interview.

How do you frogs envisage your future?

We don't, says the friends of the Kroombit tinker. We only envisage the past.

I've told him that, says the Kroombit tinker.

It's all right for you, says her friends. You're off to Florence.

And when I return? says the Kroombit tinker. I'll have to get used to Kroombit Tops all over again.

You'll have tales to tell, say her friends.

You guys must have tales to tell, says Nerida. What do you remember?

The pings and dings of the laboratory, the dials and gauges, the fun singalongs, say the friends.

I told them about those, says the Kroombit tinker. We even had one, last night.

A singalong? says her friends. What did you sing?

I sang The Long and Winding Road, says the Kroombit tinker.

We love that song! say her friends. One starts humming. Hm hm hm hm-hm hmmmmm...

If you had kids, says Nerida, I mean tadpoles, you could teach them.

That's not how we roll, say the friends. 

On the other hand, says Gaius. If you had tadpole progeny, they would not inherit your longings. They would feel at home in Kroombit Tops.

That's something to think about, say the friends of the Kroombit tinker.

It is indeed, says Gaius. Now before we leave you, may I take a group photo?

O yes! say the friends of the Krombit tinker. Will you send us a copy?

I don't see how that will be possible, says Gaius.

What about the postcard from Florence? says Nerida.

That too may be difficult, says Gaius.

But you must have connections, says Nerida. Being an ecology-science-type person.

Well, yes I suppose so, says Gaius. Remind me later.

Sure, says Nerida.

The Kroombit tinker and her friends line up for the photo.

Frog arms draped over frog shoulders. Wide smiles.

Snap! It's a keeper.

Nerida takes one as well.

They say goodbye to the friends of the Kroombit tinker, and return to the campsite.

To find that the 4WD drive vehicle has gone!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


It is evening, in Kroombit Tops.

The Kroombit tinker has promised to introduce Gaius to some of her friends.

Nerida has come with them.

Did you bring my notebook? asks Gaius.

Yes, and a pencil and eraser, says Nerida.

Well done! You are as reliable as Arthur, says Gaius. 

Katherine has stayed back with Arthur.

Is there anything to eat besides apples? asks Arthur.

No, says Katherine. The sandwiches and quiches are long gone. And the marshmallows.

We could drive into Gladstone, says Arthur. And get takeaway. 

It's an hour and a half drive into Gladstone, says Katherine.

We're not doing anything, says Arthur.

We're minding Terence and his frog team, says Katherine.

They can come with us, says Arthur.

Katherine would really like takeaway. And if he went on his own, Arthur might not come back.

All right, says Katherine. We'll all go. I'll leave a note for the others.

Arthur goes to the 4WD vehicle.

Katherine heads off to find Terence.

Gaius and Nerida are sitting on rocks at the creek edge.

Bonk-bonk! Bonk bonk!

There are pobblebonks everywhere, catching insects, worms and spiders.

Tink-tink! calls the Kroombit tinker.

Two Kroombit tinkers hop up.

Where've you been?

With these guys, says the Kroombit tinker, and they've promised to take me to Florence.

Lucky! say the two tinker friends. Don't forget to send us a postacard.

I won't, says the Kroombit tinker. By the way, this is Gaius, a natural historian and this is Nerida, his senior assistant. 

Tink-tink! say the friends of the Kroombit tinker.

I wonder if you'd mind answering a few questions, says Gaius. 

Sure, say the friends. 

How do you feel about reproducing your species? asks Gaius.

We try, say the friends. But it's disheartening, trying to compete with the pobblebonks. 

We're taking three of the best ones to Florence, says the Kroombit tinker.

Pooh! No one will miss them, say the friends.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Don't Stuff It Up Now

Not necessarily illegal, says Arthur.

Removal of an endangered species from its habitat, says Gaius. That is surely illegal.

You forget, I was born in captivity, says the Kroombit tinker.

That is so, says Gaius. It does make you special. But all the more reason for you to stay here, and increase your numbers.

None of us want to, says the Kroombit tinker.

It certainly looks like a problem, says Gaius. Perhaps a short trip to Florence would prove beneficial.

Yes! says the Kroombit tinker.

Just for you, says Gaius. 

She could make herself useful, says Arthur.

Indeed, says Gaius. A house mother for the pobblebonks. Giving them advice, and making sure that they're comfortable.

The Kroombit tinker does not fancy acting as house mother to a team of young pobblebonks.

But she smiles in an agreeable fashion.

Not wanting to stuff it up now.

Excellent, says Gaius. 

So we'll leave tomorrow morning? says Arthur.

Of course, says Gaius. I'll have everything wrapped up by then. By the way, who's in Team Condor this year?

Me and Sweezus and an Italian guy, called Nicolo, says Arthur. 

Is he fast? asks Gaius. 

Fast and tricky, says Arthur. Vello invited him to join Team Philosophe but he didn't reply until too late so we ended up with him.

So, a philosopher, says Gaius. 

A philosopher, says Arthur.

Not SO fast and tricky, says Gaius.

I guess not, says Arthur.

Unless... muses Gaius, he really wanted to be in Team Condor.

That would be tricky, agrees Arthur.

The Kroombit tinker is fascinated by the machinations this conversation is revealing.

As no doubt we all are.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Never Disappointed

Gaius is still interviewing the Kroombit tinker.

What's next for your cohort? asks Gaius.

We intermingle, says the Kroombit tinker. At least we're supposed to.

But you are reluctant, I know, says Gaius. 

When I remember the pobblebonk, I wonder what the point is, says the Kroombit tinker.

How so? asks Gaius.

Disposing of his three best children, says the Kroombit tinker.

That was a particular example, says Gaius. The pobblebonk wished to show he was thankful.

I know, says the Kroombit tinker. But will his three best children be thankful?

There's a good chance, says Gaius.

Going from a remote creek at Kroombit tops to be racing in Paris, says the Kroombit tinker. They'll have high expectations. They are bound to be disappointed.

Not so, says Gaius. Team Philosophe has never won, and yet never felt disappointed.

You are distinguished philosophers, says the Kroombit tinker. These are naive young frogs.

Arthur comes up with an apple.

Is that apple for me? asks Gaius.

Could be, says Arthur. I've already had one.

Good man, says Gaius, taking the apple, which he fails to notice Arthur has taken a bite from.

The Kroombit tinker fears that the pobblebbonk team may be disappointed in Paris, says Gaius.

Not Paris, says Arthur.

What do you mean, not Paris? asks Gaius.

Tour's finishing in Nice this year, says Arthur. 

You surprise me! says Gaius. Why is that?

Olympic Games are in Paris, says Arthur. 

I must think about getting back, says Gaius. I seem to be out of the loop here.

Yes, says Arthur. We should leave tomorrow morning, fly back to Adelaide and start making travel plans for Florence.

Florence! says Gaius. 

Where we start from, says Arthur.

Florence! says the Kroombit tinker. I've  always longed to go there.

You should come, says Arthur.

You should not. It would be illegal, says Gaius.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fast And Tricky

Your bikes won't have flowers, says Terence. Or a basket.

Why not? ask the frogs in the frog team.

It's a race! says Terence. 

If you win you'll get flowers at the end, says Nerida.

And where do we put them? asks one frog.

You get money, says Terence. So you buy a basket. Then you put the flowers in the basket. And ride wherever you like.

This sounds good to the frog team.

Keep on practising, says Terence. I have to find out something.

He goes to find Arthur, who might know.

Nerida goes with him.

The frogs study Terence's paper bike drawing.

Let's practise on this, says a frog.

Yes let's, say the others.

Soon the paper bike drawing has frog foot holes all through it.

And is no longer useful.

They resort to their previous exercise method. 

Terence and Nerida find Arthur at the 4WD drive vehicle.

He is loading his stuff in.

Are we leaving? asks Nerida.

Not yet, says Arthur. But I'm sleeping in here tonight.

Terence wants to ask you something, says Nerida.

Yes, says Terence. About my frog team.

What's the question? asks Arthur.

What happens if Baby Pierre says no? asks Terence.

He won't say no, says Arthur.

How do you know? asks Terence. 

It depends how it's put to him, says Arthur. Want me to call Sweezus?

Yes, says Terence.

Arthur calls Sweezus.

Hey bro! says Sweezus. When do we see you?

Day after tomorrow, says Arthur. 

No worries, says Sweezus. And we've got this new guy on our team. An Italian, name of Nicolo.

That's great, says Arthur. We need some new talent. 

They say he's fast and tricky, says Sweezus.

Perfect, says Arthur. Hey, what's happening about Baby Pierre?

Sorted, says Sweezus. Vello asked me to use my persuasive manner.

You don't have a persuasive manner, says Arthur.

Vello thinks I do, says Sweezus. Anyway, Baby Pierre's cool with it. 

Anticipating more chaos, says Arthur.

Yep, says Sweezus. He doesn't realise how being team captain can change you. 

It hasn't changed you, says Arthur.

Thanks, bro, says Sweezus.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Not Look Speedy

They don't know much, says Nerida.

I'll teach them, says Terence.

Why don't you start by drawing a picture, says Nerida.

Okay, says Terence. What of?

A bicycle, says Nerida. I'll get some paper, and a pencil.

She goes back to her tent.

She returns with the paper and pencil and hands them to Terence.

The frogs have lined up to see what a bicycle looks like.

Terence puts the paper on the ground in front of his frog team.

Now watch this, says Terence. These are the wheels.

He draws two circles.

The frogs look at one another. 

Why aren't they green? 

Maybe they have the wrong idea about o-rings.

Terence joins the wheels with a straight line.

He stands back to look at his drawing.

Something is missing.

I don't think the wheels join together like that, says Nerida. They wouldn't rotate properly.

That's because something is missing, says Terence.

A saddle, a crossbar, handle bars and pedals, says Nerida. They're all missing.

I haven't finished, says Terence.

He adds all those things. 

Where do we sit? asks one of the frog brothers.

Here, says Terence. And you hold on here. And your feet go on the pedals.

Where are the green parts? asks another of the frog brothers.

It's not in colour, says Terence. I've only got this pencil.

I'll show you a photo of a green bike, says Nerida.

She takes out her phone and googles 'green bike, images'.

Hundreds of images of green bikes appear on her phone.

She shows them to the frog team.

They look at the images appreciatively.

This one's my favourite, says one.

Mine too, says another.

Same, says the third frog.

Terence looks at the green bike which is their favourite.

It has a basket on the front, full of colourful flowers.

It does not look speedy.

This might be a bad sign.

Friday, June 7, 2024

What About Taddy?

The newly-freed frog hops back to Terence's tent.

You got out! say his brothers.

I was pushed from behind, says the newly-freed frog.

Who by? ask the brothers.

The Kroombit tinker, says the newly-fred frog. And once I was out, I learned the future.

Our future? ask the brothers. What will it be?

We'll be taught to ride bikes, says their newly-freed brother. And we get a captain. And green wheels made of o-rings.

What are o-rings? ask the brothers.

I don't know, says the newly-freed brother. But my guess is they're round.

Terence comes back to his tent, with Nerida.

Look at them! says Terence.

Wow! says Nerida. They metamorphosed kind of fast.

Because of my method, says Terence. Next they'll learn how to ride bikes.

Frogs don't ride bikes, says Nerida.

What about Taddy? asks Terence.

I thought Taddy was a person, says Nerida.

Okay, better not tell them, says Terence.

Luckily his frog team aren't listening. 

They are exercising their legs.

Lying on their backs and doing cycling movements.

That's so cute, says Nerida. It looks like they already know how to do it.

Terence is pleased. Yes it does.

The frog team stops exercising.

Hey! When do we get our own bikes? asks the newly-freed one.

How do they even know what bikes are? asks Nerida. A few hours ago they were just tadpoles.

How should I know? says Terence.

I'll ask them, says Nerida. Hey guys....

Bonk-bonk! say the brothers.

What do you know about bicycles? asks Nerida.

The brothers are stumped. 

At this stage they know very little.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Future Wheels

Gaius is interviewing the Kroombit tinker.

None of us feel we fit in, says the Kroombit tinker.

That is understandable, says Gaius. 

Terence comes up, with his springwater bottle.

Guess what? says Terence.

Your tadpoles have turned into frogs, says Gaius. And the last one is stuck in the bottle.

Yes, says Terence. How did you know?

He can see it, says the Kroombit tinker.

I can, says Gaius. 

He can't get out, says Terence.

I'll get him out, says the Kroombit tinker. He's already bigger than I am.

Put the bottle down, says Gaius. Not like that! On its side.

Terence does as requested.

The Kroombit tinker enters the bottle.

Stuck in here are you?


Go to the opening, I'll push.

Bonk! Woo!

The last frog shoots out of the bottle, followed by the Kroombit tinker.

Nice big back legs you've got, says the Kroombit tinker.

That's because I kept shaking the bottle, says Terence. My frogs are going to be on Baby Pierre's team.

Which is what? asks the Kroombit tinker.

Nothing at present, says Gaius. But Terence hopes, I presume, to teach them to cycle. After which he assumes Baby Pierre will see the benefits of leading a team.

Yes, he will, says Terence.

First I've heard of it, says the newly-freed frog.

That's because you were in the bottle, says Terence.

And how will Baby Pierre provide them with bicycles? asks the Kroombit tinker.

Easy peasy, says Terence. He makes them himself.

He made his own bicycle, says Gaius. With green fluoro-elastane o-rings for wheels.

Bonk-bonk! says the newly-freed frog.

The newly-freed frog can't wait to get back to the others and tell them about their future green o-rings.

He hops away, on his soon-to-be powerful legs.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Persuasive Manner

Someone does have a plan, says Vello.

What is it? asks Sweezus.

Young Terence, says Vello. 

No way! says Sweezus. He's in Queensland.

Nonetheless, says Vello. He has come up with one. And it involves you.

Yeah? says Sweezus. Are there any more of those donuts?

I'll see, says Belle.

Okay, yeah, what's the plan? asks Sweezus.

A team of frogs, says Vello. Terence is training them. Your job is to convince Baby Pierre that he needs them.

Lucky Sweezus isn't eating a donut right now. It would have gone down the wrong way.

Scheisse! says Sweezus. 

As a fellow team captain, with a persuasive manner, says Vello.

Me? says Sweezus. I don't have a persuasive manner.

Belle comes back into the office with the last chocolate donut.

Here you are, Sweezie, says Belle. Last one.

He eats it thoughtfully.

Maybe he does have a persuasive manner. He did get the last donut.

Okay I'll give it a whirl, says Sweezus. Next time I see him.

Great, says Vello. Was that really the last donut?

Yes it was, says Belle.


Meanwhile in Kroombit Tops, Terence is trying to ease his frog team out of the springwater bottle. 

Help us! cries the first frog. Our gills have stopped working!

I am! says Terence. Get the others to push you.

He holds the bottle upside down as the last of the water drains out.

The first frog sucks in his stomach. The other two push his back end from behind.

Plop! He is out. Now for the others.

The second frog plops out the same way.

But the last frog has no one behind him.

One of you has to go back in, says Terence.

Never! say the first two. They start hopping about testing their legs and their airways. Bonk-bonk! It's so good with no tail!

The third frog peers out of the opening sadly.

Terence goes to find Gaius.

He always knows what to do.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Slow The Little Shit Down

David comes into the office.

Is there a donut for me?

I suppose so, says Vello. 

David takes a donut, and bites into it.

I was just speaking to Gaius, says Vello.

How is he? asks David.

He is in Kroombit Tops wherever that is, says Vello. Interviewing a tinker.

Oh yes, one of those endangered frogs, says David. He'll be pleased that he found one.

He did sound pleased, says Vello. He said Terence found it. And he asked if we needed a rider for Team Philosophe.

What did you answer? asks David.

I said yes, says Vello, because we haven't heard back from that other chap.

That Italian chappie? says David. Pity. I heard he was fast.

And a real philosopher, says Vello, which Gaius is not.

But Gaius is an excellent domestique, says David. And he does provide a different perspective.

So he does, says Vello. And that reminds me. Terence has had an idea.

Ha ha! laughs David. What is it?

You'll be surprised, says Vello. It's an idea to thwart Baby Pierre.

I'm listening, says David.

Terence is developing a team of strong-legged pobblebonks, says Vello. And the idea is they'll join Baby Pierre as his team.

A Baby Pierre Team? says David. Isn't that a recipe for more chaos?

Well, yes, says Vello. But Gaius believes a team will give him more responsibility. Which might slow him down.

I see, says David. 

The tricky part will be to convince Baby Pierre, says Vello. Have you seen him this morning?

No, says David. But Sweezus may have. And he'll be in soon.

Sweezus comes in.

Sorry I'm late boss. Training. Hey! Donuts! Did you save one for for me?

No, says Vello.

Yes, says Belle, coming into the office with two more donuts. 

Sweezus wolfs them both down.

Have you seen Baby Pierre this morning? asks Vello.

That little fucker! says Sweezus. Nearly toppled me on the Gorge Road. Someone should come up with a way to slow the little shit down.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Imagine The Chaos

Gaius calls Vello.

Ring ring.

Hello? says Vello. What is it?

I'm well thank you, says Gaius. 

Gaius! says Vello. Forgive my snappish manner. I'm just back from training.

Training already? says Gaius. Do you...

David's idea, says Vello. 

I'm in Kroombit Tops at the moment, says Gaius. But I could...

Ah yes, looking for frogs, says Vello. How's that going?

Fascinating, says Gaius. Terence found one of the newly released Kroombit Tinkers. I've been interviewing her. And she's promised to introduce me to some of the others this evening.

Very nice, says Vello. But why are you calling?

Wondering if you need me in Team Philosophe this year? says Gaius. Because I'm...

Aren't you with Team Condor? asks Vello.

No one has asked me, says Gaius. But I...

That's because you're always away, says Vello. But yes, we could use you. I had invited... but never mind that, have you begun training?

Hardly, says Gaius. I don't have a bike here. Oh and by the way...

What is it? says Vello. I'm dying for a coffee. Oh Belle's just come in with one, and a donut! Thank you, my dear. That looks yummy.

Do you ever see Baby Pierre? asks Gaius.

More often than I'd like to, says Vello.

Terence has come up with a ruse to make him less of a danger to everyone, says Gaius. It involves him having a team. He would of course be the captain.

That's an excellent ruse, says Vello. I'm surprised Terence came up with it. Who are these potential team members? Are they pebbles?

Not at all, says Gaius. They are, or will be, pobblebonks with powerful legs.

Pobblebonks! says Vello. In other words, frogs?

At the moment they are in the process of becoming frogs, says Gaius. Yes, perhaps it's all too far-fetched. I shouldn't have mentioned it.

No, says Vello. It's a great idea. Even if it doesn't come off. Imagine the chaos! 

It's not intended to cause chaos, says Gaius. 

No, of course not, says Vello, biting into his chocolate donut with cream in the middle.

That's the best sort of chaos.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pest Team

Gaius has come down to the creek and seen Terence shaking the bottle.

That won't do your prize tadpoles much good, says Gaius. 

Wrong! says Terence. Their legs will grow faster.

Nature must take its course, says Gaius.

What does that mean? asks Terence.

Wait for things to happen, says Gaius.

Like Arthur, says Terence.

Perhaps not the best example, says Gaius.

But he happened, says Terence.

He turned up eventually, says Gaius. As I knew he would. But it's not the same thing.

And we waited, says Terence.

True, says Gaius. Perhaps you are right. Why do you want your tadpoles to grow legs in a hurry?

It's a secret, says Terence.

A secret? says Gaius.

Yes, says Terence. Do you want to know what it is?

Indeed, says Gaius. You can trust me to keep your secret.

Okay, says Terence. If they grow big legs by the end of the month they can be in Baby Pierre's team.

His team? says Gaius. Baby Pierre doesn't have a team. He's a loner.

He could have a team, says Terence. It's way better.

No need to convince me, says Gaius. 

See, says Terence. 

I don't see, says Gaius.

It doesn't matter, says Terence. Baby Pierre will see.

Gaius thinks about it. He can't quite see that Baby Pierre will see that having three untrained tadpoles in his team will be better.

On the other hand, Baby Pierre is a pest. 

Always darting in and out between wheels and causing accidents with impunity.

A team would give him extra responsibility.

Did you say the end of the month? asks Gaius.

Arthur did, says Gaius.

I must call Vello, says Gaius. He's probably forgotten where I am. 

Ask him, says Terence.

No need to ask him, says Gaius. I shall tell him. And I'll mention your idea about Baby Pierre.

Yippee! says Terence.

He shakes the bottle again, sending his tadpoles into a spin.

They paddle madly, with their fast-growing frog-legs,

And now their tails feel kind of funny.

Like they might fall off soon. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Future Is Legs

Terence carries the bottle of tadpoles back to his tent.

He sits down and stares into the bottle.

Are they growing their legs yet?

He brings his face up close so the tadpoles will hear him.

The tadpoles swim up to his nose.

What is he saying? asks one of the tadpoles.

Move, says another.

We were, says the third tadpole. We only stopped to hear what he's saying.

He didn't say 'move', says the second tadpole. I did.

Why should we? asks the two others.

So I can see his mouth, says the first tadpole.

But the others won't move.

So none of them know what Terence is saying.

Which is: Guess what? You guys need to grow legs in a hurry. Big strong ones.

Terence stops talking. He doesn't want his tadpole children to get too excited. But they need shaking up.

Shaking up! That might help, anyway.

He shakes the bottle.

The water becomes cloudy and bubbles rise to the top.

The tadpoles swim wildly, 

Ee! Ah! Oo!

Tiny particles of vegetation are up for grabs if they can just focus.

Their little tails swish this way and that.

Teeny legs....yes....teeny legs start to paddle.

It's a very good sign.

Terence stops shaking the bottle.

The tadpoles calm down.

They look at one another. Woo! Legs! 

Our future is coming!