Monday, June 24, 2024

Wobble Wobble Zip

The plane lands in Adelaide.

Are we here? asks Terence.

Yes, says Nerida. 

Arthur lifts the substantial box down from the overhead locker.

Everyone shuffles towards the front of the plane.

I wonder if anyone'll be waiting to meet us, says Katherine.

My dad will, says Nerida.

Sure enough, her dad is waiting.

Welcome home, says her dad. How was it?

Good, says Nerida. We found a few Kroombit tinkers. We even got interviews. 

Well done, says dad.

Indeed, says Gaius. Nerida was most helpful. I promoted her to senior assistant when Arthur went missing.

He went missing? says dad. But I can see him.

He came back, says Nerida.

He ate Freddy! says Terence.

Freddy being? asks dad.

Long story, says Nerida. I'll tell you on the way home.

Nerida and her dad head for the exit.

Hey, guys! says Sweezus, appearing suddenly.

Hey, says Arthur. Did you bring my bike?

Yeah, says Sweezus. We can ride back to my place together.

Arthur hands Gaius the substantial box.

What's that? asks Sweezus.

Terence's frog team, says Arthur.

Cool, says Sweezus. Baby Pierre's here to meet them. 

Where is he? asks Gaius. 

There he is! cries Terence.

Baby Pierre zooms though domestic arrivals on his tiny bicycle with green o-rings for wheels.

Skreech! He skids to a halt.

Where are they? asks Baby Pierre.

Gaius opens the box.

The frog team and the Kroombit tinker are dazzled.

Urr! Where are we?

Here! says Terence. And your  captain came to meet you.

The frog team straightens up. Their captain! Where is he?

Baby Pierre looks into the box.

Get out you guys, and follow me.

The pobblebonks leap out. The Kroombit tinker lingers.

I'll let them get acquainted, says the Kroombit tinker.

Baby Pierre has remounted his bike, and is leading the pobblebonks towards the air bridge to the car park.

Err.... says Gaius. Should we allow this?

He's brought their new bikes, says Sweezus. They're in the car park.

Then what? asks Terence.

He'll be checking out how good they are, says Sweezus.

What if they aren't any good? asks Terence.

They'll be good, says the Krombit tinker. I made them air-pedal all the way from Brisbane.

I meant the bikes, says Terence.

Baby Pierre is showing the pobblebonks their new bikes.

Get on, says Baby Pierre.

They're smaller than we expected, says Spider-bonk.

You're bigger than I expected, says Baby Pierre.

Nevertheless they get on and push off. 

Wobble wobble.

They soon find their balance.

They zip down the car ramp.

Super! All the air-pedalling they did on the incoming journey has paid off!

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