Saturday, June 8, 2024

Not Look Speedy

They don't know much, says Nerida.

I'll teach them, says Terence.

Why don't you start by drawing a picture, says Nerida.

Okay, says Terence. What of?

A bicycle, says Nerida. I'll get some paper, and a pencil.

She goes back to her tent.

She returns with the paper and pencil and hands them to Terence.

The frogs have lined up to see what a bicycle looks like.

Terence puts the paper on the ground in front of his frog team.

Now watch this, says Terence. These are the wheels.

He draws two circles.

The frogs look at one another. 

Why aren't they green? 

Maybe they have the wrong idea about o-rings.

Terence joins the wheels with a straight line.

He stands back to look at his drawing.

Something is missing.

I don't think the wheels join together like that, says Nerida. They wouldn't rotate properly.

That's because something is missing, says Terence.

A saddle, a crossbar, handle bars and pedals, says Nerida. They're all missing.

I haven't finished, says Terence.

He adds all those things. 

Where do we sit? asks one of the frog brothers.

Here, says Terence. And you hold on here. And your feet go on the pedals.

Where are the green parts? asks another of the frog brothers.

It's not in colour, says Terence. I've only got this pencil.

I'll show you a photo of a green bike, says Nerida.

She takes out her phone and googles 'green bike, images'.

Hundreds of images of green bikes appear on her phone.

She shows them to the frog team.

They look at the images appreciatively.

This one's my favourite, says one.

Mine too, says another.

Same, says the third frog.

Terence looks at the green bike which is their favourite.

It has a basket on the front, full of colourful flowers.

It does not look speedy.

This might be a bad sign.

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