Thursday, June 27, 2024

That's The Beauty Of Me

Are we there yet? asks Terence.

Not yet, says Belle. We're in Singapore airport. Next we fly on to Zurich.

Then are we there? asks Terence.

Not quite, says Belle, but from there it's a short hop to Florence.

Can we look at my frog team? asks Terence.

Sure we can, says Belle. Let's ask Sweezus to open the box.

Sweezus stops eating his sushi and opens the box.

The frog team are lying flat on their backs, not moving. 

Baby Pierre has been observing.

Are we there yet? asks Baby Pierre.

No, says Terence. We haven't even got to the Zoo.

Zu-rich, says Belle. What's up with the frog team?

They're meditating, says Baby Pierre. Okay guys, you can stop now.

The frog team open their eyes.

You frogs must be hungry, says Belle. Is there anything we can get you?

Spiders, says Spider-bonk. Or flies.

How about seaweed? asks Belle.

That will do, says Baby Pierre. At least it's nutritious.

I'll find them some flies, says Terence. At the window!

He runs to a window nearby.

Sure enough, there are flies at the window, trying to get out of the airport.

But they're quick movers. Terence can't catch them. 

So the frog team has to eat seaweed that was once wrapped around rice and raw tuna.

And then they are closed in the box again with their captain.

Because it's time to board the flight for Zurich.

It is dark in the box.

The air smells of tuna.

This is unbearable, says Baby Pierre. Try to slow down your breathing.

Why should we? ask the frog team. We can't smell anything. You should have had some.

I don't need to eat, says Baby Pierre That's the beauty of me.

The captain doesn't need to eat! Yet his team does!

The frog team worry about this, all the way to Zurich.

And again, on the short hop to Florence.

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