Saturday, June 15, 2024

Guzzling Prawns

The singalong has ended.

Greedy and the Kroombit tinker watch Gaius and Nerida working on Gaius's notes.

A long interview, by the looks, observes Greedy.

Intensive, says the Kroombit tinker. My friends opened up.

What about? asks Greedy.

Not fitting in, says the Kroombit tinker. We became frogs in Currumbin, and we nurse a certain nostalgia..

I can understand that, says Greedy. I too nurse a certain nostalgia.

What for? asks the Kroombit tinker.

The rubber glove factory, says Greedy. All the gloves were full of hope then.

But you have learned to speak and even performed in a play, says the Kroombit tinker.

Look at me, says Greedy. These white spots, for example. I don't think I'll last much longer

Courage! says the Kroombit tinker. Are you coming to Florence?

Is it up to me? asks Greedy. What use am I to anyone?

I'm going as house mother to the pobblebonks, says the Kroombit tinker. You could assist me.

Will there be rules? asks Greedy.

O yes, says the Kroombit tinker.

Vroooom! The 4WD vehicle has returned. Terence is the first to get out.

Guess what? says Terence. We got four kinds of takeaway!

Great! says Nerida. What are they?

Pizza, kebabs and ichimaki says Terence.

That's three, says Gaius. And what is ichimaki?

Kung po, saysTerence, but Arthur already ate it.

So what's left? asks Nerida.

Katherine comes over with three slightly warm aromatic boxes.

Chilli prawn and pineapple pizza, says Katherine. Kebabs and gozleme, sushi, bento and don.

Greedy! says Terence, noticing Greedy. Where have you been?

Trapped. Where have you been? asks Greedy. 

To get food, says Terence. And before that I was here. And before that ....guess what?

What? asks Greedy.

I won the pobblebonk's three best children in the blessing competition, says Terence. And they're going to be in Baby Pierre's team, because Baby Pierre said they could.

Where are they now? asks Greedy.

I don't know, says Terence. Katherine, where's my frog team?

I don't know, says Katherine. I hope we didn't leave them in Gladstone.

She starts to open the boxes.

First the pizza box. 

Goodness me! says Katherine. 

Terence's pobblebonks have helped themselves to the pizza, guzzling every last one of the prawns.

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