Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Slow The Little Shit Down

David comes into the office.

Is there a donut for me?

I suppose so, says Vello. 

David takes a donut, and bites into it.

I was just speaking to Gaius, says Vello.

How is he? asks David.

He is in Kroombit Tops wherever that is, says Vello. Interviewing a tinker.

Oh yes, one of those endangered frogs, says David. He'll be pleased that he found one.

He did sound pleased, says Vello. He said Terence found it. And he asked if we needed a rider for Team Philosophe.

What did you answer? asks David.

I said yes, says Vello, because we haven't heard back from that other chap.

That Italian chappie? says David. Pity. I heard he was fast.

And a real philosopher, says Vello, which Gaius is not.

But Gaius is an excellent domestique, says David. And he does provide a different perspective.

So he does, says Vello. And that reminds me. Terence has had an idea.

Ha ha! laughs David. What is it?

You'll be surprised, says Vello. It's an idea to thwart Baby Pierre.

I'm listening, says David.

Terence is developing a team of strong-legged pobblebonks, says Vello. And the idea is they'll join Baby Pierre as his team.

A Baby Pierre Team? says David. Isn't that a recipe for more chaos?

Well, yes, says Vello. But Gaius believes a team will give him more responsibility. Which might slow him down.

I see, says David. 

The tricky part will be to convince Baby Pierre, says Vello. Have you seen him this morning?

No, says David. But Sweezus may have. And he'll be in soon.

Sweezus comes in.

Sorry I'm late boss. Training. Hey! Donuts! Did you save one for for me?

No, says Vello.

Yes, says Belle, coming into the office with two more donuts. 

Sweezus wolfs them both down.

Have you seen Baby Pierre this morning? asks Vello.

That little fucker! says Sweezus. Nearly toppled me on the Gorge Road. Someone should come up with a way to slow the little shit down.

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