Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fast And Tricky

Your bikes won't have flowers, says Terence. Or a basket.

Why not? ask the frogs in the frog team.

It's a race! says Terence. 

If you win you'll get flowers at the end, says Nerida.

And where do we put them? asks one frog.

You get money, says Terence. So you buy a basket. Then you put the flowers in the basket. And ride wherever you like.

This sounds good to the frog team.

Keep on practising, says Terence. I have to find out something.

He goes to find Arthur, who might know.

Nerida goes with him.

The frogs study Terence's paper bike drawing.

Let's practise on this, says a frog.

Yes let's, say the others.

Soon the paper bike drawing has frog foot holes all through it.

And is no longer useful.

They resort to their previous exercise method. 

Terence and Nerida find Arthur at the 4WD drive vehicle.

He is loading his stuff in.

Are we leaving? asks Nerida.

Not yet, says Arthur. But I'm sleeping in here tonight.

Terence wants to ask you something, says Nerida.

Yes, says Terence. About my frog team.

What's the question? asks Arthur.

What happens if Baby Pierre says no? asks Terence.

He won't say no, says Arthur.

How do you know? asks Terence. 

It depends how it's put to him, says Arthur. Want me to call Sweezus?

Yes, says Terence.

Arthur calls Sweezus.

Hey bro! says Sweezus. When do we see you?

Day after tomorrow, says Arthur. 

No worries, says Sweezus. And we've got this new guy on our team. An Italian, name of Nicolo.

That's great, says Arthur. We need some new talent. 

They say he's fast and tricky, says Sweezus.

Perfect, says Arthur. Hey, what's happening about Baby Pierre?

Sorted, says Sweezus. Vello asked me to use my persuasive manner.

You don't have a persuasive manner, says Arthur.

Vello thinks I do, says Sweezus. Anyway, Baby Pierre's cool with it. 

Anticipating more chaos, says Arthur.

Yep, says Sweezus. He doesn't realise how being team captain can change you. 

It hasn't changed you, says Arthur.

Thanks, bro, says Sweezus.

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