Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Next morning, Team Condor and Team Philosophe meet at the airport.

Gaius is limping.

Injury, Gaius? asks Vello.

Nothing a long flight won't fix, says Gaius.

Baby Pierre's team crashed into his ankle, says Terence.

Starting early, says David.

Ha ha! laughs Gaius.

But his ankle does hurt.

Where is Baby Pierre? asks Vello. Is he traveling with us?

Kind of, says Sweezus. He's in this substantial box with his team.

What about their bicycles? asks David.

In the box, says Sweezus.

Rattling about unrestrained? asks Vello.

He reckons they can practice tight moves when they're in it, says Sweezus.

I said they could, says Terence. I'm the manager.

Terence and Baby Pierre came to an agreement, says Gaius. One is the captain and one is the manager.

I wish we could afford such luxuries, says Vello.

I thought Belle was coming? says Arthur.

She's here somewhere, says Vello. She went off to buy snacks.

Great, says Arthur. I missed out on breakfast.

Me too, says Sweezus.

Unwise, says David. 

Belle returns with a paper bag full of muffins.

Chocolate, blueberry, cranberry, lemon and caramel, says Belle. Two of each

Arthur takes a chocolate and a blueberry. Sweezus takes a caramel and a lemon.

Time to begin the first leg of the journey. A short Virgin flight to Melbourne.

They get on.

The short flight to Melbourne is soon over.

They get off. 

Now for the long Qantas flight to Singapore.

Soon everyone is settled, including the frog team and their captain, in the substantial box in an overhead locker.

Peace at last, says Spider-bonk. What just happened? 

Probably turbulence, says Baby Pierre. 

We didn't like it, says Insect-bonk.

Take a lesson from me, says Baby Pierre. I'm a free thinker.

What's that? asks Worm-bonk.

Someone who thinks for himself, says Baby Pierre. 

How is that a lesson for us? asks Spider-bonk.

I'm about to tell you, says Baby Pierre.

Wait, says Insect-bonk. Maybe we don't need to listen.

I'm your captain, says Baby Pierre Of course you need to listen.

Okay, says Worm-bonk. We'll listen.

But Baby Pierre has now realised the flaw in his lesson.

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