Friday, June 28, 2024

Pious Like A Pie


Sweezus and Arthur wait outside the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, with Terence.

They are waiting for Nicolo.

Nicolo appears. dressed in black. He has a pointy beard and a knowing expression.

Nicolo? asks Sweezus. 

They have not met before.

Si, says Nicolo. You are Sweezus, I know. And you are Arthur. And who is the infant?

Terence, says Terence. I'm meeting my cousin.

Yeah, says Sweezus. Sorry. We just have to take him inside.

No problem, says Nicolo. It is always good to seem pious.

Like a pie? asks Terence.

No, not like a pie, says Nicolo. Let us go in.

They enter the cathedral.

Terence runs up to the Madonna and child.

Terence! says the Madonna. I recognised you at once by your gecko shorts. How is your mother?

Terence tries to remember.

Stiff, says Terence.

Aren't we all? sighs the Madonna. 

I came to say hello to Sweetpea, says Terence.

Buon giorno, Terence, says his cousin.

Guess what! says Terence. The Tour de France is starting here, and I've got a frog team and I'm the manager.

Woop! Lucky you, says Sweetpea. 

Why are you giving me the finger? asks Terence.

I give everyone the finger, says Sweetpea. It's my job. Who are those guys?

Hush, Sweetpea, that's Sweezus, whispers the Madonna.

Buon giorno, Madonna, says Sweezus. We just got here. Nice day.

Will you be racing? asks the Madonna.

Yep, says Sweezus. And this is Nicolo, our new guy.

Ha! No need to introduce Machiavelli, says the Madonna. 

Shit, says Sweezus, turning to Nicolo. 


Nicolo shrugs. Yes, so what? 

Can Sweetpea come and watch my frog team? asks Terence.

Sweetpea looks hopeful.

Belle would look after him, says Sweezus. 

The Madonna is torn. She has never been parted from Sweetpea.

On the other hand, it would be liberating.

Okay, says the Madonna.

Yay! Joyfully Sweetpea jumps down.

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