Sunday, June 23, 2024

What Every Frog Knows

Has anyone thought of a riddle? asks Spider-bonk.

Not yet, says Worm-bonk.

What IS a riddle? asks Insect-bonk.

Don't you know? says the Kroombit tinker. A riddle is a what-am-I.

Give us an example, says Spider-bonk.

I have eight legs, says the Kroombit tinker. What am I?

A liar, says Spider-bonk.

Ha ha, laughs Insect-bonk. That was funny.

It's not the right answer, says the Kroombit tinker. 

So what's the right answer? asks Worm-bonk.

A spider! says the Kroombit tinker. I thought you'd have guessed.

But you said 'what am I? says Spider-bonk.

That's the standard form for a riddle, says the Kroombit tinker. But I could have put it this way: It has eight legs. What is it?

Could be anything, says Insect-bonk.

Anything with eight legs, says the Kroombit tinker. 

Is it a spider again? asks Spider-bonk.

It is, says the Kroombit tinker. I'll admit my example was lame. How about you try?

I have two legs, says Spider-bonk. What am I?

You've made your riddle too hard, says the Kroombit tinker. Do you have other qualities?

Yes, says Spider-bonk. If not I'd be nothing but legs.

A frog! guesses Insect-bonk.

Correct, says Spider-bonk. Now it's your turn.

Insect-bonk has had time to think of a tricky one.

One third of me is inside me, says Insect-bonk. What am I?

The other frogs stop air-pedalling.

This one is hard.

We give up, says Worm-bonk.

A bee, says Insect-bonk. Remember that time when we shared one?

That's not fair, says Spider-bonk. There were two mes in the question. Only one was a bee.

Four mes, actually, says the Kroombit tinker. You three, and the bee. Not me though. I caught my own fly.

This gives Worm-bonk an idea.

I have wings and I'm inside you, says Worm-bonk. What am I?

But his riddle is not nearly so clever. 

Everyone knows it's a fly.

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