Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Green Friendship

Next mornng early.

Gaius wakes up.

Curses! What about tickets?

He heads for the 4WD vehicle to wake Arthur.

Whaa..? says Arthur.

We need to book our flights back to Adelaide, says Gaius. Today if possible.

You mean I need to, says Arthur.

That would be helpful, says Gaius.

Okay, says Arthur. You pack up my tent, I'll get onto it.

He calls Virgin Customer Service.

And waits on hold for a real person.

Gaius goes back to the tents.

Wake up everyone, we're leaving for Gladstone.

What about breakfast? asks Katherine.

Are there any leftovers? asks Gaius.

Only the pizza, says Katherine.

But no one wants cold pineapple pizza, without chilli prawns.

Let's eat breakfast in Gladstone, says Nerida.

A good plan. They start packing.

Terence has already dismantled his tent.

Well done Terence, says Katherine. How did you know what to do?

Pull everything out of its hole, says Terence. Easy peasy.

Where are the pobblebonks? asks Katherine.

Oops, says Terence. They might still be inside.

They aren't, says the Kroombit tinker. I sent them off to wait beside the 4WD vehicle, in an orderly line.

I thought so, says Terence.

The pobblebonks are excited, in their orderly line. The big adventure is starting.

 They can hear Arthur talking, on his phone.

Yes that's right, later this morning if possible.... Great. Thanks.

Arthur jumps down from the driver's seat of the 4WD vehicle.

We're booked on a flight back to Adelaide at midday, says Arthur.

Well done Arthur, says Gaius. What about the frogs?

No problem, says Arthur. As long as they travel as specimens.

So, in a box, says Gaius.

The pizza box? says Terence.

Not the pizza box! cry the pobblebonks. 

The bento box, says Katherine. Although, it might smell a bit fishy.

I'll wash it, says Nerida.

She takes it down to the creek to rinse away the fishy smell.

She gazes into the water.

Goodbye Kroombit tops.

She drops a green friendship bead into the water.

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