Sunday, June 30, 2024

Stage 2: Cesenatico to Bologne - Funny Cheese

Another hot day. 

Romain Bardet is hoping to retain the yellow.

Sweezus is hoping, as usual, to win the polkadot jersey.

I have an idea, says Nicolo. But you may not like it.

Yeah what? asks Sweezus.

Mark Cavendish rolls by.

Those frogs, says Nicolo. They can be harnessed to work in our favour.

Mark Cavendish pedals off.

Frogs? Working in Team Condor's favour?

This is how rumours start.

Vello and David ride by.

Catch up, Gaius, calls Vello over his shoulder.

I'm trying, says Gaius.

We'll soon be at the feeding station, says David.

Good, says Gaius. I could use some sustenance.

He fiddles with his sock. A limp cabbage leaf flutters to the ground, and is picked up by an eager spectator.

Belle is at the feeding station with Terence and Sweetpea.
( Yes, Sweetpea has been found. He was admiring his lovely Cathedral from the outside)

Can I give out the musettes? asks Terence.

Not really, says Belle.  You're too low. So is Sweetpea.

What if we.....?

But it's too late for that now. Vello reaches out and grabs his musette from Belle's hand.

What's in it? A delicious piadina stuffed with cheese.

David  and Gaius have the same.

What kind of cheese is this? asks Gaius.

Squacquerone, says David. 

Ha ha, laughs Gaius.

But it's not funny. The cheese is squacquarone. 

Tadej Pogacar speeds by.

There are three frogs, behind me, says Tadej. 

Fear not, says Vello. They are only here to give pause to Baby Pierre.

Enjoy your squacquarone, says Tadej, shooting off.

He's got a good nose, says David.

He has. And to top it off, he will end the day in the yellow jersey.

But what is happening up front?

After going twice up San Luca, (and twice down) Kevin Vauquelin has won the stage by 36 seconds.

Another Frenchman.

And second is Jonas Abrahamson, a Norwegian, in his polkadot jersey.

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