Monday, July 1, 2024

Stage 3: Plaisance to Turin - Tiny Sun

A flat stage. 

Terence and Sweetpea can see a long way down the road.

Are they coming yet? asks Sweetpea.

No, says Terence. Let's stand on something.

They climb a low rock.

Baby Pierre shoots past them.

He stops suddenly and turns.

Hi! says Baby Pierre Seen my frog team?

No, says Terence. 

Oh, says Baby Pierre. If you see them, tell them I said they can stop and catch flies.

He speeds back in the direction he came from.

Here comes the peloton.

Sweezus spots Terence and Sweetpea.

On a low rock without Belle.

Shit, says Sweezus. Anything could happen.

Vello catches up with Sweezus.

We've been hearing a rumour, says Vello.

About what? asks Sweezus.

The frog team, says Vello. The rumour is, your team is using the frog team for illegal purposes.

As if, says Sweezus. 

Just thought I'd mention it, says Vello.

The peloton drifts towards the feeding station.

Belle is waiting there with some snacks.

Thanks dear! says Vello, grabbing his musette.

Oops! Something fell out of it.

Don't worry, there's plenty, says Belle.

Vello looks into the bag. There are lots of them. But what are they? Anolini. Tiny suns made of pasta.

Mm, they smell good.

Spider-bonk, is coming up behind him. He sees the dropped one and stops.

Terence has told him what Baby Pierre said.

This isn't a fly, but Baby Pierre also said 'think for yourself'.

Spider-bonk picks up the round yellow pasta, shaped like the sun.

Several riders wobble past him, but no one crashes. Not yet.

Spider-bonk waits at the side of the road for Insect-bonk and Worm-bonk, his team mates.

He will share this tiny round sun with them.

He waits, but only Worm-bonk turns up for the snack-feast.

So what else is going on?

All the sprinters are hoping to win today's flat stage.

They speed up near the finish.

Crash!. Twelve riders are down, including Jasper Philipsen, one of the favourites.

Uh! that means everyone gets the same time.

Binian Girmay wins, (first Eritrean ever!).

Fermando Gaviria comes second.

Arnaud de Lie third.

Richard Carapaz takes the yellow jersey from Tadej.

Insect-bonk is still missing.

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