Thursday, July 25, 2024

Black Handkerchief

The waiter has brought the icecreams to the table.

Thank you waiter, says Vello.

And now monsieur, may I ask you what you have done with the frog? asks the waiter.

I have her, says Gaius. She has eaten a fly and will no longer cause any trouble.

We shall of course pay for the fly, says Vello. Since it was found on your window.

Alors! says the waiter. You will not be charged for the fly. Just keep the frog at your table. And the infants as well. They could have broken a window.

But they didn't, says Belle. By the way, I asked for a mini vanilla.

Desolé, says the waiter. It was a complicated order.

Doesn't matter, says Belle. I'll only eat half.

Can I have the rest? asks Sweetpea.

Can we share it? asks Terence.

No, says Gaius. It's the wrong colour.

Mine's the right colour, says Sweezus. But I've eaten it.

Do you wish to order another? asks the waiter.

No, thanks, says Sweezus.

The waiter goes away.

Honestly, says Belle. All that fuss over a frog eating a fly on a window.

They have to think of their reputation, says David.

Is everyone finished? asks Vello. 

How about a coffee, says David. 

Vello tries to get the attention of the waiter, who seems suddenly busy.

No hurry, says David.

Are you planning to stay on in Nice, Gaius? asks Belle.

No, says Gaius. I must return the Kroombit tinker to her home in Kroombit Tops.

Does she want to go? asks Belle. After all this excitement?

It's not up to her, says Gaius. 

I don't see why not, says Belle. Have you asked her?

I'm right here, says the Kroombit tinker.

Do you want to go home? asks Belle.

No, says the Kroombit tinker. There is nothing for me at home.

What about all your friends? asks Terence. And the pobblebonks?

I can't face the pobblebonks, says the Kroombit tinker. I shall have to tell them what happened to the pobblebonk team.

It wasn't your fault, says Terence. It was Nicolo's.

Would you like me to write a confession? asks Nicolo.

Everyone looks at Nicolo.

He has mango icecream in his beard.

You have mango icecream in your beard, says Belle.

Nicolo takes out his black handkerchief.

A half-eaten frog leg drops out.

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