Monday, July 22, 2024

Hard Hairy Cheese Legs

The next day, in Nice.

Team Philosophe and Team Condor have met for lunch at Le Frog.

Marcel is also invited.

He is not dressed as a chicken today.

I have a soft spot for Le Frog, says Marcel, sitting down next to Terence.

Where is it? asks Terence.

Here, says Marcel placing a hand on his heart.

Do you come often? asks Belle.

I do, says Marcel. I like to watch les Anglaises trying the buttered garlic snails and the frogs' legs, which they have chosen to order for the sole purpose of being able to tell their friends they have done so....

I think I'll order the lobster risotto, says Gaius.

Duck leg with raspberry sauce, says Vello.

Chicken wok, says Sweezus. 

I'll have the frogs' legs, says Arthur

Me too, says Nicolo.

I'll try the snails, says Belle.

So will I, says Marcel. 

They order.

The frogs' legs and snails arrive first.

Try a snail, says Belle, to Sweezus.

No way! says Sweezus. Remember that day you put snails in our musettes?

I know. You didn't eat yours, says Belle. That was silly.

Yeah, right, says Sweezus.

Protein, says Belle.

Terence and Sweetpea are inspecting Arthur's frogs' legs.

These look like pobblebonk legs, says Terence.

Yes, says Sweetpea. Big and powerful from riding their bikes.

These two are Insect-bonk's legs, says Terence.

A faint squeal arises from where Gaius is sitting.

Was that your lobster squealing? asks Marcel.

Of course not, says Gaius. The lobster is shredded. No. I fear the Kroombit tinker is upset.

Where is she? asks Belle.

In my pocket, says Gaius. She wanted to come.

Get her out, says Belle. Show her the frog's legs.

Is that wise? asks Vello. 

She'll see that they're French frogs, says Belle.

Gaius takes the Kroombit tinker out of his pocket and places her on the table.

She looks around. 

At one end of Le Frog is a plant wall decorated with green foliage and frogs.

That's nice.

But on the table are plates of disembodied legs of French frogs.

She looks at them closely.

Nicolo picks one up with his fingers and takes a bite.

A bit like chicken, says Nicolo, but softer and more oily.

The Kroombit tinker wonders what Nicolo's legs would taste like.

Soft and oily? No, probably more like hard hairy cheese.

She is laughing to herself when someone nearby cries out that they can see a live frog sitting on the next table.


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